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Dołączył: 15 Mar 2007
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Wysłany: Czw 19:59, 15 Mar 2007 Temat postu: angielski |
słówka na poniedziałkowe kolokwium:
1)o Giertychu
caused a howl of protest – /ko:zd e hałl/ spowodował/wywołał falę/burzę protestów
ban on abortion- /ben on e’ borszen/ zakaz aborcji
Deputy premier- /’depjuti premier/ wice premier
education minister-/edżu ’kejszen ‘minister/ Minister Edukacji
the stand of the Polish government-/de stend ev de połlisz gavernment/ stanowisko polskiego rządu
spreading homosexuality-/spreding homołsekszu ‘eliti/ (spread=rozszerzać się) - rozszerzanie/rosnąca liczba przypadków homoseksualizmu
Council of Ministers-/kałnsil ev ‘ministez/Rada Ministrów
quotes of Pope John Paul II- /kłołts ev połp dzon pol de sekend/ cytaty Papieża Jana Pawła II
the late Pope – /de lejt połp/ (niedawno) zmarły/świętej pamięci Papież
(feel) insulted by- /fi: l in ‘saltid/ czuć się znieważonym/obrazonym przez
during the Second World War - /’djuriŋ de sekend wə:ld wo:/ - w
czasie/podczas Drugiej Wojny Światowej
Holocaust survivors - /səvaivə:s/ - ocalali z Holokaustu
Jewish community - /dżu:isz kə’mju:niti/ - społeczność/wspólnota żydowska
wiped out - /waip:d aut/ - zmieciony
a number - /e ‘nambə/ - wielu
bravery - /’breivəri/ - odwaga
attend(ed) the gathering - /ə’tend(id) de ‘gæðəriŋ/ - uczestniczyć/li/ w zebraniu
relative - /’relətiv/ - krewny
the Nazis - /de nætsiz/ - Naziści
in the attic - /in di ‘ætik/ - na poddaszu
winched upon pulleys - /winczt ə’pon ‘puliz/ - wciągany na bloczkach
turn a blind eye to - /tə:n e blaind ai tu/ - “przymykać oko na”
plight - /plait/ - dola, trudne położenie
informed on them - /in’fo:md on dem/ - donosili na nich
at the reunion - /et de ri:’ju:niən/ - na zjeździe/spotkaniu po latach
recipients of the award - /ri’sipiənts of di ə’wo:d/ - odbiorcy nagrody; odznaczeni
the Righteous Among the Nations - /de ‘raiczəs ə’maŋ de neiszənz/ - Sprawiedliwi Wśród Narodów Świata
3)a to jest chyba do tych rozmówek w parach
What is the name of the company? The name of the company is ...
What is the company’s name? The company’s name is ...
Who do you work for? I work for ...
What company do you work for? I work for ...
What type of company is it?
What is the company status? It is a private limited liability company/a partnership/a sole proprietorship/a corporation/ a public limited company…
Where is it based? It is based in Berlin.
Where is the main/head office? The main office is in ...
Where are the headquarters (located)? The headquarters are (located) in ...
Where does it operate? It operates in Southern Europe.
It has production facilities in 55 countries and regions.
We operate locally.
We have subsidiaries/ factories/ plants/operations all over Europe/Poland/the region/the country.
What does the company do?
What does the company specialize in?
What is the company’s activity?
What are the main business activities?
What is the company’s area of business? It is a manufacturer of silver plated and stainless steel cutlery.
It is a supplier of advanced X-ray inspection systems.
It is a global/regional leader in packaging.
It manufacturers bearings and spark plugs.
It produces toys.
It sells new and used computer hardware.
It is a leading retailer of computer systems. It specializes in ...
It provides a wide range of IT services.
How many people does it employ? It employs 3000 people/staff.
How many employees does the company have? The company has 3000 employees/staff.
How many people are there in the company? There are 3000 people/staff in the company.
Company situation and performance
The sales for the last year were $3 million.
The turnover for the last year was $ 3 million.
The average annual sales are ....
The company was set up/was established/was founded in 1973.
Most of the shareholders are Japanese.
The Board of Directors is headed by Sumi Nakamuto.
The President of the company is Sumi ... (AM)
The Chairman/Chairperson is Sumi ...(BR)
The Managing Director (=The MD) is Paweł Nowak. (BR)
The Chief Executive Officer (=The CEO) is Paweł Nowak. (AM)
The company is divided into/ is made up of/ consists of / comprises/contains 5 departments: Production, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources and Sales.
I work in the Production Department, which is divided into/ ... 5 sections: Manufacturing, Quality Control, Purchasing, Tooling, and Assembling.
I am responsible for/ I am in charge of / I am accountable for planning and designing.
I am responsible to /I am accountable to/I report to/ I work under Adam Sułko.
My job involves planning and designing.
I deal with planning and designing.
an environmentally protected area /en envajen ‘menteli pre ‘tektid ‘erije/- obszar chroniony (pod względem ekologicznym)
The European Union /jure ‘pijen junien/- Unia Europejska
to build the road through the Rospuda Valley /bild de rołd fru de … veli/- zbudować drogę przez Dolinę Rospudy
peat bogs /pi:t bogz/– torfowiska
Lithuania /lifju ‘ejnie/– Litwa
According to law /e ‘kording tu lo:/- Zgodnie z prawem
can be solved /ken bi solvd/- może zostać rozwiązany
the residents of the region /’rezidents ev de ‘ridżen/- mieszkańcy regionu
Prime Minister /prajm minister/– Premier
Polish authorities /połlisz o:‘foritiz/- Polskie władze
relieve congestion /ri ‘li:v ken ‘dżesczen/– odciążyć/ tu: zmniejszyć zatłoczenie/zator/przeciążenie (chodzi o ruch na drogach)
heavy goods vehicles –samochody ciężarowe/ciężarówki (bo: goods=towary) (vehicles =pojazdy)
border – granica
bypass /bajpas/ – owodnica
cause minimal damage /ko:z minimel ‘demidż/ - spowodować minimalne zniszczenia
warned /ło:rnd/– ostrzeżony
penalties /’peneltiz/– kary
its natural habitats /neczerel ‘hebitet/- naturalne środowisko
fragile /’fredżajl/– kruchy/ tu: łatwo ulegający zniszczeniu
a one-day visit - jednodniowa wizyta
tour of Latin America /tułer ev letin e ‘merike/ podróż (objazdowa) po Ameryce Łacińskiej
at every stage /et evri stejdż/- na każdym etapie
a parallel tour of the region /e ‘perelel tułer ev de ridżen/– równoległa podróż/objazd regionu
the interference of the American empire /di inter ‘fijerens ev di e ‘meriken em’paje/- ingerencja amerykańskiego imperium
anti-Bush rally /eti busz reli/– wiec/wystąpienie przeciw Bushowi
He is due to fly to Haiti/hi iż /dju tu flaj tu hejti/ - On ma lecieć na Haiti/ według programu leci na Haiti
his US counterpart /kałnterpart/- jego amerykanski odpowiednik= tu: prezydent (=osoba o tej samej funkcji stanowisku/
a temporary halt to the deportations /e ‘temporeri holt tu dipo ‘tejszen/- tymczasowe/chwilowe wstrzymanie/zaprzestanie deportacji
Mr Bush is expected to fly/iz iks ‘pektid tu flaj/ - Oczekuje się, że Pan Bush będzie lecieć/poleci
a Maya archaeological site /e maje arkio ‘lodżikel sajt/
Polish vote on controversial road
Poland will hold a referendum in its north-eastern region on whether to build a controversial road through an environmentally protected area. The European Union has warned Poland not to build the road through the Rospuda Valley. The area of almost untouched peat bogs and woods borders on Lithuania. "According to law, this controversy can be solved in one way only: by asking the opinion of the residents of the region", Prime Minister Kaczynski told a news conference on Friday.
Polish authorities say they want to relieve congestion through the town of Augustow, which is crossed every day by some 4,500 heavy goods vehicles on their way to and from the Lithuanian border. They say the 40-kilometre (25-mile) bypass would cause minimal damage, The EU had already warned Poland in 2006 it could face legal action and penalties for failing to "adequately protect" its natural habitats. The Commission started an "infringement procedure" against Poland in April 2006. This could lead to a court case and the blocking of EU funds for projects in Poland's environmentally fragile areas.
President George W Bush is in Guatemala /głati ‘male/ for a one-day visit, after a stop in Colombia /ke ‘lombje/ where he pledged his personal support to its fight against drugs.
He will discuss security, trade and immigration with Guatemala's president.
This is the fourth stop in Mr Bush's tour of Latin America, which has seen protests at every stage.
Venezuela's /vene ‘zuejle/ president, Hugo Chavez, has used a parallel tour of the region to speak out against what he calls the interference of the "American empire".
Mr Chavez started his tour last week in Argentina, where he held a massive anti-Bush rally before moving on to Bolivia /be ‘livje/ and Nicaragua/ nike ‘regjue/. He is due to fly to Haiti /hejti/and Jamaica on Monday.
Guatemalan President Oscar Berger is expected to ask his US counterpart for a temporary halt to the deportations of Guatemalans living in the US illegally.
Mr Bush is expected to fly around the country in his Marine One helicopter, visiting a US military medical team, a Maya agricultural co-operative and a Maya archaeological site, before going to the presidential palace.
słówka na poniedziałek:
The Polish government has announced - polski rząd ogłosił
According to figures released this week-według danych liczbowych (dosł.wypuszczonych) ogłoszonych/podanych w tym tygodniu
Fertility- płodnośc
If the current trend of falling birthrates continues-jeśli bieżąca bedzie utzrymywać się spadkowa tendencja wskaźnika urodzin
the profound changes in Polish society after the fall of Communism - gruntowne zmiany w polskim społeczeństwie po upadku komunizmu
deputy labour minister- wiceminister pracy
they will lose their jobs if they have children-stracą pracę jeśli będą miały dzieci
increase maternity leave - zwiększyć (TU przedłużyć) urlop macierzyński
extend opening hours for kindergartens-rozszerzyć (Tu: wydłużyć) godziny otwarcia przedszkoli
tax - podatek
a Christian - chrześcijanin
supervising an exam- pilnować podczas egzaminu
Similar accusations sparked riots - podobne oskarżenia spowodowały/wywołały (bo dosł: zaiskrzyły) zamieszki
religious, communal or political violence - przemoc z powodów religijnych, społeczna lub polityczna
students beat the teacher to death - studenci bili nauczyciela aż do śmierci
invigilating an exam - nadzorowanie przebiegu egzaminu
school compound - (zamknięty) teren szkoły
accused her of desecrating the Koran - oskarżono ją o zbeszczeszczenie Koranu
The police arrived at the scene to restore calm - policja przyjechała na miejsce (wypadku/zamieszek) aby przywrócić spokój/porządek
a rumour swept the city that - plotka obiegła miasto (sweep, swept,swept – zamiatać, szerzyć)
which prompted riots - która TU powodoawła zamieszki
justify - usprawiedliwiac
it is often fuelled by ethnic or political conflicts and competition - to jest często wywołane/spowodowane etnicznymi lub politycznymi konfliktami i rywalizacją
Nigeria - Nigeria
given that - jeśli się uwzględni to, że/uwzględniając to, że
live in poverty - życ w ubóstwie
reduce their dependency on Russian oil- redukować ich terytorium zależne od rosyjskiego oleju
announced plans to build a pipeline -zapowiedziane plany wobec budowania pewneo rurociągu
an energy summit-wierzchołek energii
dependent on Russian oil imports- zalezne od rosjan olejne importowane towary
expressed hops-wyraża nadzieje
co-finance the Project-finansowac to przedsięwzięcie
If the plans go ahead-jeżli te plany zrobia postępy
A general strike called by opposition parties over the shooting by police of protesting farmers has paralysed life in the Indian state of West Bengal. Strajk generalny zwołany przez partie opozycyjne dotyczący strzelania policji do protestujących farmerów sparaliżował życie indyjskiego stanu Zachodniego Bengalu.Fourteen people were killed and more than 70 injured during Wednesday's violence at Nandigram in West Bengal. 14 osób zostało zabitych i ponad 70 rannych podczas środowego aktu przemocy w Nandigram w Zachodnim BengaluThe farmers were protesting against government plans to set up a chemical hub and an industrial zone in the area. Protests have gone on there despite the state government pledging to move the hub elsewhere. Farmerzy sprzeciwiali się rządowym planom utworzenia fabryki chemicznej i strefy przemysłowej w okolicy.Protesty trwały tam pomimo rządowej obietnicy przeniesienia fabryki w inne miejsce.
Opposition supporters lobbed homemade bombs and set fire to buses in some areas of the state capital, Calcutta, sending people running for cover. More than 1,100 opposition activists have been arrested and more than 100 injured in clashes with Marxist supporters.Wspierający opozycję użyli bomb domowej roboty i podłożyli ogień w autobusach w niektórych miejscach stolicy stanu, Kalkucie, zmuszając ludzi do szukania schronienia.
Ponad 1100 aktywistów opozycyjnych zostało aresztowanych, a ponad 100 rannych w starciach ze zwolennikami Marxizmu Train services out of Calcutta have been severely affected. Flights operated out of Calcutta airport but taxis and buses stayed off the roads after the early morning violence. Połączenia kolejowe wyjeżdżające z Kalkuty zostały poważnie dotknięte. Loty z Kalkuty nie zostały wstrzymane ale taksówki i autobusy zostały na drogach wskutek wczesno porannych aktów przemocy
Russian elderly die in home fire
At least 63 people have been killed by fire which swept through an old people's home in southern Russia.
The fire broke out at a home in the village of Kamyshevatskaya, in the Krasnodar region, near the Black Sea.
It started early on Tuesday morning, an official said, but firefighting crews did not arrive from Yeysk, 50km (30 miles) away, for more than an hour.
There had been 93 people in the building.
Survivors were taken to a local hospital.
Russian media report that the management of the care home had been fined (in December) for safety shortcomings.
The dormitory block of the home was completely burned out.
The cause of the fire has not yet been given by local officials.
Many of the victims died of smoke inhalation and only a few had serious burns.
The Interfax news agency quoted Krasnodar regional prosecutor Leonid Korzhenyuk as saying criminal proceedings had been instituted.
It was the second major disaster in Russia in less than 24 hours.
On Monday morning, a methane gas explosion at a Siberian coal mine killed more than 90 people.
At least 63 people /et li:st/ –przynajmniej 63 osoby
an old people's home= the care home -dom spokojnej starości/dom starców =dom opieki
The fire broke out- pożar wybuchł
in the village of-w wiosce
firefighting crews- ekipy strażackie (firefighters – strażacy)
the management of the care home-zarząd/kierownictwo domu opieki
fined (in December) for safety shortcomings- ukarani grzywną (w grudniu) za (niedociągnięcia) TU: nieprzestrzeganie przepisów BHP
The dormitory block - blok z pomieszczeniami sypialnymi, blok sypialny
The cause of the fire /ko:z/- przyczyna pożaru
the victims died of smoke inhalation-ofiary zmarły z powodu/w wyniku zatrucia dymem (dosł:wdychania)
a few (people) had serious burns- kilkoro miało poważne oparzenia
regional prosecutor /’ridżenel ‘prosikjuter/- prokurator okręgowy
quote /kłołt/- cytowac
criminal proceedings had been instituted /pre’si:dingz/- wszczęto postępowanie karne
coal mine /kołl majn/-kopalnia węgla
Oleksy officially leaves SLD
Former Prime Minister Jozef Oleksy (SLD) handed in his party membership card after a compromising affair in which a secretly recorded tape on which Oleksy slanders his SLD party colleagues was leaked to the press.
The move effectively ends Oleksy's political career. He was a major force in the post-communist SLD (Democratic Left Alliance) for the decade of the 1990s and was also Parliamentary Speaker for a period.
During a secretly taped meeting on September 14, 2006, Oleksy reportedly told Polish billionaire businessman Aleksander Gudzowaty that former President Aleksander Kwasniewski is a small-time hustler and current SLD leader Wojciech Olejniczak is a "narcissus."
On the tape, Oleksy suggests that Kwasniewski obtained his wealth illegally and says that Kwasniewski is not able to document the money with which he bought a 400 square meter apartment in Warsaw, a house in Kazimierz nad Wisla and a residence near Piaseczno (suburb of Warsaw).
Kwasniewski denies the charges and Oleksy has since said he is sorry and that he was merely repeating rumours he had heard. Still, SLD party members feel they have been stabbed in the back by one of their own.
Former Prime Minister-/fo:me(r))- były premier
Hand(ed) in his party membership card – oddał kartę członka partii
Slander(s) his SLD party colleagues – [`koli:g] zniesławia swoich partyjnych kolegów
Leak(ed) to the press – przeciekło do prasy
Democratic Left Alliance –ə’laΙəns- Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej
Parliamentary Speaker- Marszałek Sejmu
reportedly - [rɪ`po:tɪdlɪ] według/na podstawie doniesień/(uzyskanych) informacji, prawdopodobnie, przypuszczalnie, rzekomo
a small-time hustler –[`hʌslə(r)] drobny cwaniak (robiący pieniądze w każdej sytuacji),
obtain(ed) his wealth illegally – dosł.osiągnął swoje bogactwo CZYLI: dorobił się majątku w sposób nielegalny
denies (bezokolicznik: deny) the charges –zaprzecza oskarżeniom(zarzutom)
he was merely repeating rumours he had heard-powtarzał tylko plotki, które uslyszał
stab(bed) in the back- wbito (im) nóż w plecy
The French nun whose claims could be accepted as the miracle that the Vatican needs to beatify Pope John Paul II that she was inexplicably and suddenly "cured" of Parkinson's disease. Sister Marie Simon-Pierre stopped short of declaring her recovery a miracle, saying that was for the church to decide. But she said her life "totally changed" after her symptoms vanished in one night of prayer and mystery in 2005.
The 46-year-old, speaking in a clear, poised voice, said she was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Her symptoms worsened with time: Driving became practically impossible, she had difficulty walking, and her left arm hung limply at her side. She also could no longer bear to see John Paul on television, because he, too, was stricken( -- more seriously --) with the disease.
Her cure came on the night of June 2, 2005, exactly two months after the pontiff's death, she said. In her room after evening prayers, she said an inner voice urged her to take up her pen and write. She did, then went to bed, and woke early the next morning feeling "completely transformed
The nun, who comes from a family of practicing Catholics in Cambrai in northern France, said she had always been an admirer of John Paul. She was 17 when he was elected pontiff.
beatify Pope John Paul II [ ] beatyfikować Papieża Jana Pawła II
inexplicably and suddenly "cured" of Parkinson's disease [ ] [ ] [ ] w sposób niewytłumaczalny i nagły wyleczona z choroby Parkinsona
stopped short of declaring her recovery a miracle powstrzymywała się od(nie chciała nazywać) nazwania swego powrotu do zdrowia cudem
her symptoms vanished in one night of prayer [ p t] objawy zniknęły w ciągu jednej nocy modlitwy
speaking in a clear, poised voice mówiąc w sposób wyraźny iopanowany
she was diagnosed with Parkinson's d zdiagnozowano u niej chorobę Parkinsona
she had difficulty walking miała trudności w chodzeniu
her left arm hung limply jej lewe ramię wisiało bezwładnie
he, too, was stricken( -- more seriously --) with the disease. on też był dotknięty chorobą(znacznie bardziej)
after the pontiff's death po śmierci Papieża
an inner voice urged her to take up her pen [ ][ ] wewnętrzny głos namówił ją aby chwyciła za pióro
an admirer of John Paul [ ] wielbilciel Jana Pawła
comes from a family of practicing Catholics pochodzi z rodziny praktykujących katolików
Airbus confirms 10,000 job cuts
Troubled planemaker Airbus has announced it is to cut 10,000 jobs across Europe over the next four years.
Airbus said it would not force any compulsory redundancies but European Unions have pledged to fight the cuts.
Airbus boss Louis Gallois said the prolonged weakness of the US dollar had made the restructuring necessary, while the production delays to the flagship A380 superjumbo project had provided the "trigger" for the cutbacks.
Airbus said its current financial situation was "unsustainable". Production problems with the giant A380 have pushed back deliveries of the plane by two years and cost Airbus about 5bn euros (£3.4bn).
Half of the 10,000 cuts will come from temporary staff and sub-contractors not having their contracts renewed.
Mr Gallois said the job cuts would be "fairly shared" between Airbus's four national partners.
Airbus said the changes would reduce the time it took to develop new planes from seven-and-a-half years to six years, improve customer service and aircraft reliability.
Disagreement between Germany and France, both home to key Airbus factories, has delayed progress on the restructuring.
France - home to the firm's Toulouse headquarters - will be worst affected by the cuts, both at individual factories and in central management and administrative functions.
Politicians from Germany, France, the UK and Spain have been lobbying Airbus bosses furiously in recent weeks in an effort to protect jobs in their countries.
announce(d)- /ə’nauns(t)/ - ogłaszać, zawiadamiać, oznajmiać
compulsory - /kəm’palsəri/ - obowiązkowy
redundancy - /ri’dandənsi/ - zbyteczne/zbędne miejsce pracy, redukcja (etatu)
pledge(d) to fight the cuts - /pledż(d) tu fait de kats/ - zobowiązywać się do walki z cięciami/redukcją (zatrudnienia)
trigger - /trigə/ - język spustowy, cyngiel, (trigger off) wywołać
cutback - /katbæk/ - redukować, obcinać
current financial situation - /’karənt fi/fai’nænszəl sitju’eiszən/ - obecna sytuacja finansowa
unsustainable - /anse’stein eibel/ - nie będący w stanie podtrzymać
temporary - /’tempərəri/ - czasowy, tymczasowy
sub-contractors - /sabkən’træktərs/ - podwykonawcy
fairly shared between - /feəli szeəd bi’twi:n/ - uczciwie podzielony między
develop new planes - /di’veləp nju: pleins/ - opracować nowe samoloty
improve - /im’pru:v/ - ulepszać, poprawiać
reliability - /rilaiə’biləti/ - niezawodność
in recent weeks - /in ri:sənt wi:k/ - w poprzednich tygodniach
Polish teachers march in Warsaw
More than 10,000 teachers have marched through the Polish capital to demand pay rises and demonstrate against the government's education policy.
Gay rights groups joined to protest against plans to dismiss teachers who promote homosexual behaviour.
Ministers have said they are preparing a bill to ban what they called "homosexual propaganda" from schools.
The teachers were demanding both improved retirement benefits and the dismissal of the education minister.
They accuse Roman Giertych of ignoring teachers' groups and increasing intolerance.
The 36-year-old minister heads the small, right-wing and ultra-Catholic League of Polish Families party, which has been accused of being homophobic.
Mr Giertych and his deputy minister want to pass a law which would enable them to sack openly gay teachers or anyone who promotes homosexuality.
to demand pay rise(s) /tu d`ma:nd pe raz(iz) /- aby żądać podwyżek płac
against the government's education policy /ə`gejnst ðə `gavnmənts edju’kejszen polisi/ przeciwko
polityce edukacyjnej rządu
to dismiss teachers /tu ds'ms ti:tə(r)s /- aby zwolnić nauczycieli
homosexual behaviour/homəu`seksjuəl b`hevjə(r) /- homoseksualne zachowanie
a bill to ban/a bl tu bæn /- ustawa zakazująca
demanding improved retirement benefits/d`ma:ndN bəuθ improvd r`taəmənt benefits
/- żądali lepszej emerytury/świadczeń emerytalnych
they accuse Roman Giertych of/ðe ə'kjuz Roman Giertych of/- oskarżają Romana Giertycha o
his deputy minister/ hz `depjut `mnstə(r)/- viceminister
pass a law/pa:s a lo: /- wprowadzić ustawę
enable them to sack/'nebl ðem tu sæk/- umożliwiać im wyrzucenie z pracy/zwolnienie
Polish News
The Polish parliament recognized a national hero this month when it honored 97 year old Irena Sendlerowa.The former social worker rescued over 2,500 Jewish children and babies from death in the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw, or the death camps in the rest of Poland. During a special session, the upper house of parliament unanimously approved a resolution making Ms. Sendlerowa a national hero for organizing the "rescue of the most defenseless victims of the Nazi ideology: the Jewish children," while Polish President Lech Kaczynski called her a "great hero who can be justly named for the Nobel Peace Prize." To this Ms. Sendlerowa has replied "I'm no hero," During World War II, Ms. Sendlerowa was a member of a larger secret organization called Zegota, set up by the Polish government in exile in London to help rescue Polish Jews. Her position as a young social worker allowed her access into the Jewish ghetto, When Ms. Sendlerowa realized what was happening, she organized a team to rescue the ghetto's children some babies and smaller children were smuggled out in workmen's toolbags or in suitcases. Today Ms. Sendlerowa lives a quiet life in a Warsaw nursing home, and her deeds are reletively unknown, compared to more publicized heroes like Oskar Schindler. When asked about her role in the Second World War, in an interview Ms. Sendlerowa has said: "The term 'hero' irritates me greatly. Many of the children who were rescued are now adults and continue to view her as a savior.
The former social worker- [ ] były pracownik opieki społecznej
the upper house of parliament [ ] Izba Wyższa Parlamentu
unanimously approved a resolution [ ] jednogłośnie zatwierdzili uchwałę
defenceless victims of the Nazi ideology [ ] [ ] bezbronne ofiary hitlerowskiej ideologii
the Nobel Peace Prize [ ] Pokojowa Nagroda Nobla
a member of a larger secret organization [ ] [ ] [ ]członek większej tajnej organizacji
set up by the Polish government in exile in London [ ] założone przez polski rząd na wygnaniu w Londynie
as a savior jako (zbawiciel),TU: wybawca
lives a quiet life in a Warsaw nursing home [ ] (prowadzi) spokojne życie w warszawskim domu opieki
her deeds are reletively unknown [ ] [ ] jej czyny sa raczej (dosł. stosunkowo) nieznane
the Second World War - II Wojna Światowa
smuggled out in workmen's tool box or in suitcases [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] przemycane (na zewnątrz) w skrzynkach na narzędzia (robotników) lub w walizkach
Poland and FIFA have come to a deal that ends the threat of the country's national team being banned from the Euro 2008 qualifiers. Football's world governing body had threatened to ban the national team and Polish clubs from international matches unless the government reversed its decision in January to suspend the FA's (=the football association's )board, taken in the midst of a corruption scandal
that has implicated more than 70 officials. But the sports ministry on Monday reinstated the board, and the two sides had reached a compromise.
Under the compromise a joint commission of UEFA, FIFA and government
representatives will oversee the calling of a special congress of the football association's members to elect new management.
FA chief Michal Listkiewicz said that his first decision (after reinstatement) was to summon the first board meeting and the meeting would aim to call a congress.
The Ukrainian Football Federation had accused Polish Sports Minister
Tomasz Lipiec of undermining a joint bid by the two countries to host the Euro 2012
finals by refusing to back down in the row.
The joint Ukraine-Poland bid is one of three being considered by UEFA
along with a solo bid by Italy and a joint bid from Croatia and Hungary. The winner
will be announced by UEFA's 15-man executive committee on April 18.
In the Euro 2008 qualifiers, Poland are one point behind leaders
Finland in Group A.
banned from the Euro 2008 qualifiers – wykluczony z kwalifikacji …
threaten(ed) to ban the national team and Polish clubs from international matches – zagrozili, że wykluczą reprezentację i polskie kluby z międzynarodowych meczów/rozgrywek
suspend the FA's (=the football association's )board - zawiesić zarząd PZPN
reached a compromise – osiągnęli kompromis
host the Euro 2012 finals – być gospodarzem finałów …
The joint Ukraine-Poland bid – wspólna oferta Ukrainy i Polski
considered by – rozważana przez
Croatia - Chorwacja
announce - ogłosić
UEFA’s 15-man executive committee – piętnastoosobowa komisja wykonawcza UEFA
Poland are one point behind leaders – polska przegrywa jednym punktem z liderem/jest jeden punkt za liderem
Polish state oil signs deposits deal
Poland has gained access to natural gas and oil deposits in the Norwegian Sea. Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski has expressed confidence the purchase of the deposits will contribute substantially to Poland’s energy security.
The head of the Polish government disclosed that the ownership rights to the gas and oil deposits have been bought from the Exxon company.
Economy Minister Piotr Wozniak announced Polish State Oil and Gas has signed a contract for 15% of the deposits volume under a conditional agreement, which is yet to be finalized. Minister Wozniak assured this is the absolute intention of the Polish side.
The sum involved is said to be in the region of 1 billion zloties, roughly 250 million euros.
The gas deposits are readily accessible and are under extraction supervision of BP. Their volume is estimated at 36 billion cubic meters.
Deputy Minister of Economy Piotr Naimski added that Poland is preparing with a Norwegian partner a gas pipeline project to run through Denmark.
He also said the purchase and extraction of the Norwegian gas deposits is in accordance with Poland’s efforts aimed at diversification of gas imports.
gain access to natural gas and oil deposits – uzyskać dostęp do złóż gazu ziemnego i ropy naftowej
Prime Minister - premier
express confidence – wyrazić zaufanie
contribute substantially to – przyczynić się znacznie do/ wnieść znaczny wkład w
The head of the Polish government – głowa tu: państwa polskiego(dosł rządu)
disclosed - ujawnione
the ownership rights–prawa własności
announce - ogłosić, oświadczać
sign a contract – podpisać kontrakt/umowę
agreement – porozumienie/zgoda/umowa
roughly 250 million euros – w przybliżeniu 250 milionów euro
is estimated at 36 billion cubic meters – jest oceniane na 36 bilionów metrów sześciennych
Deputy Minister of Economy – wiceminister gospodarki
added [adid] - dodał
a gas pipeline – rurociąg gazowy
the purchase and extraction of - nabycie=kupno i wydobycie
in accordance with – zgodnie z
Na kartkówce z business letters za prawie 2 tygodnie, wybiorę 10 z załączonych zwrotów. Każdy niech
sobie je przygotuje w domu korzystając z zeszytu.
Uwaga! Na kartkówce, że nie będzie podpowiedzi po angielsku.
1. Piszesz, by potwierdzić szczegóły dot. wyjazdu do Londynu. (the details of my travelling arrangements to London)
2. Chcesz zaprosić kogoś listownie na uroczyste rozdanie dyplomów. (our Graduation Ceremony)
3. Chcesz przeprosić kogoś listownie za zwłokę w kontaktach. (the delay in contacting you)
4. Chcesz podziękować komuś listownie za pomoc w tej sprawie. (all your assistance in this matter)
5. Odnosisz się do porannej rozmowy telefonicznej dot. zatrudnienia w charakterze niewykwalifikowanego robotnika. (my employment as an entry-level worker)
6. Chcesz się dowiedzieć/Zwracasz się z prośbą o informacje na temat wycieczek autokarowych po Włoszech. ( your coach package tours of Italy)
7. Odpowiadasz na list/pismo z dn. 20 marca 2007r. dot. międzynarodowej współpracy badawczej. (our international research cooperation)
8. Chcesz się dowiedzieć/Zwracasz się z zapytaniem czy cena biletu obejmuje opłaty lotniskowe. (the flight fare includes airport taxes)
9. Informujesz, że otrzymałeś list/pismo z dn. 12 czerwca, do którego dołączone były foldery przedstawiające atrakcje turystyczne Hiszpanii. (holiday brochures for Spain)
10. Z przykrością informujesz, że w tym roku wasza firma nie prowadzi naboru absolwentów. (recruit graduates for our organisation this year)
11. Z przyjemnością informujesz, że świadczycie szeroki zakres usług komputerowych. (offer a wide range of computer services)
12. Prosisz o przesłanie cennika (your price list).
13. Piszesz w nawiązaniu do ogłoszenia w the Times z dn. 30 stycznia dotyczącego pracy na stanowisku recepcjonisty (your advertisement in the Times of 30 January for the position of receptionist).
14. Zwrot powitalny i pożegnalny w liście do kierownika ds. sprzedaży, Pani Helen Novak-Firth (nie znamy stanu cywilnego).
15. Zwrot powitalny i pożegnalny w liście do kierownika ds. sprzedaży (nie wiemy czy kobieta czy mężczyzna).
16. Zwrot powitalny i pożegnalny w liście do firmy Anders Manufacturers, Ltd. z Wielkiej Brytanii.
17. (Zdanie zamykające list zawierające informację, że oczekujemy odpowiedzi
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez elka dnia Czw 14:10, 17 Maj 2007, w całości zmieniany 6 razy
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Dołączył: 20 Mar 2007
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: kielce, PŚK
Wysłany: Wto 21:09, 20 Mar 2007 Temat postu: |
an environmentally protected area /en envajen ‘menteli pre ‘tektid ‘erije/- obszar chroniony (pod względem ekologicznym)
The European Union /jure ‘pijen junien/- Unia Europejska
to build the road through the Rospuda Valley /bild de rołd fru de … veli/- zbudować drogę przez Dolinę Rospudy
peat bogs /pi:t bogz/– torfowiska
Lithuania /lifju ‘ejnie/– Litwa
According to law /e ‘kording tu lo:/- Zgodnie z prawem
can be solved /ken bi solvd/- może zostać rozwiązany
the residents of the region /’rezidents ev de ‘ridżen/- mieszkańcy regionu
Prime Minister /prajm minister/– Premier
Polish authorities /połlisz o:‘foritiz/- Polskie władze
relieve congestion /ri ‘li:v ken ‘dżesczen/– odciążyć/ tu: zmniejszyć zatłoczenie/zator/przeciążenie (chodzi o ruch na drogach)
heavy goods vehicles –samochody ciężarowe/ciężarówki (bo: goods=towary) (vehicles =pojazdy)
border – granica
bypass /bajpas/ – owodnica
cause minimal damage /ko:z minimel ‘demidż/ - spowodować minimalne zniszczenia
warned /ło:rnd/– ostrzeżony
penalties /’peneltiz/– kary
its natural habitats /neczerel ‘hebitet/- naturalne środowisko
fragile /’fredżajl/– kruchy/ tu: łatwo ulegający zniszczeniu
a one-day visit - jednodniowa wizyta
tour of Latin America /tułer ev letin e ‘merike/ podróż (objazdowa) po Ameryce Łacińskiej
at every stage /et evri stejdż/- na każdym etapie
a parallel tour of the region /e ‘perelel tułer ev de ridżen/– równoległa podróż/objazd regionu
the interference of the American empire /di inter ‘fijerens ev di e ‘meriken em’paje/- ingerencja amerykańskiego imperium
anti-Bush rally /eti busz reli/– wiec/wystąpienie przeciw Bushowi
He is due to fly to Haiti/hi iż /dju tu flaj tu hejti/ - On ma lecieć na Haiti/ według programu leci na Haiti
his US counterpart /kałnterpart/- jego amerykanski odpowiednik= tu: prezydent (=osoba o tej samej funkcji stanowisku/
a temporary halt to the deportations /e ‘temporeri holt tu dipo ‘tejszen/- tymczasowe/chwilowe wstrzymanie/zaprzestanie deportacji
Mr Bush is expected to fly/iz iks ‘pektid tu flaj/ - Oczekuje się, że Pan Bush będzie lecieć/poleci
a Maya archaeological site /e maje arkio ‘lodżikel sajt/ - miejsce/stanowisko kultury Majów
Polish vote on controversial road
Poland will hold a referendum in its north-eastern region on whether to build a controversial road through an environmentally protected area. The European Union has warned Poland not to build the road through the Rospuda Valley. The area of almost untouched peat bogs and woods borders on Lithuania. "According to law, this controversy can be solved in one way only: by asking the opinion of the residents of the region", Prime Minister Kaczynski told a news conference on Friday.
Polish authorities say they want to relieve congestion through the town of Augustow, which is crossed every day by some 4,500 heavy goods vehicles on their way to and from the Lithuanian border. They say the 40-kilometre (25-mile) bypass would cause minimal damage, The EU had already warned Poland in 2006 it could face legal action and penalties for failing to "adequately protect" its natural habitats. The Commission started an "infringement procedure" against Poland in April 2006. This could lead to a court case and the blocking of EU funds for projects in Poland's environmentally fragile areas.
President George W Bush is in Guatemala /głati ‘male/ for a one-day visit, after a stop in Colombia /ke ‘lombje/ where he pledged his personal support to its fight against drugs.
He will discuss security, trade and immigration with Guatemala's president.
This is the fourth stop in Mr Bush's tour of Latin America, which has seen protests at every stage.
Venezuela's /vene ‘zuejle/ president, Hugo Chavez, has used a parallel tour of the region to speak out against what he calls the interference of the "American empire".
Mr Chavez started his tour last week in Argentina, where he held a massive anti-Bush rally before moving on to Bolivia /be ‘livje/ and Nicaragua/ nike ‘regjue/. He is due to fly to Haiti /hejti/and Jamaica on Monday.
Guatemalan President Oscar Berger is expected to ask his US counterpart for a temporary halt to the deportations of Guatemalans living in the US illegally.
Mr Bush is expected to fly around the country in his Marine One helicopter, visiting a US military medical team, a Maya agricultural co-operative and a Maya archaeological site, before going to the presidential palace.
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: CK
Wysłany: Pią 10:53, 23 Mar 2007 Temat postu: |
Slowka z kserowki (unit 39), 2 kartkowka:
The range is now available in four colours / reIndZ is nau ə`vəIləbl in four `krlə:s / - jest teraz dostępny w czterech kolorach
the terms agreed during our meeting /ðə tə:ms agreed `djuərIN `mi:tIN / - termin uzgodniony podczas naszego spotkania
pass on my very best regards to / pa:s on maI `verI best regards to/ - przekazac moje najszczersze wyrazy szacunku
in reply to /in rI`plaI to/ - w odpowiedzi na
invoice /’InvIs / - faktura
on behalf of /on bI’ha:f of/ - w imieniu
refund / rI`fund/ -refundacja, zwrot
Newsy i słowka (obowiazuje na 3 kartkowka):
Polish teachers march in Warsaw
More than 10,000 teachers have marched through the Polish capital to demand pay rises and demonstrate against the government's education policy.
Gay rights groups joined to protest against plans to dismiss teachers who promote homosexual behaviour.
Ministers have said they are preparing a bill to ban what they called "homosexual propaganda" from schools.
The teachers were demanding both improved retirement benefits and the dismissal of the education minister.
They accuse Roman Giertych of ignoring teachers' groups and increasing intolerance.
The 36-year-old minister heads the small, right-wing and ultra-Catholic League of Polish Families party, which has been accused of being homophobic.
Mr Giertych and his deputy minister want to pass a law which would enable them to sack openly gay teachers or anyone who promotes homosexuality.
to demand pay rise(s) /tu dI`ma:nd peI raIz(iz) /- aby żądać podwyżek płac
against the government's education policy /ə`gejnst ðə `gavnmənts edju’kejszen polisi/ przeciwko polityce edukacyjnej rządu
to dismiss teachers /tu dIs'mIs ti:tSə(r)s /- aby zwolnić nauczycieli
homosexual behaviour/homəu`seksjuəl bI`heIvjə(r) /- homoseksualne zachowanie
a bill to ban/a bIl tu bæn /- ustawa zakazująca
demanding improved retirement benefits/dI`ma:ndIN bəuθ improvd rI`taIəmənt benefits/- żądali lepszej emerytury/świadczeń emerytalnych
they accuse Roman Giertych of/ðeI ə'kjuz Roman Giertych of/- oskarżają Romana Giertycha o
his deputy minister/ hIz `depjutI `mInIstə(r)/- viceminister
pass a law/pa:s a lo: /- wprowadzić ustawę
enable them to sack/I'neIbl ðem tu sæk/- umożliwiać im wyrzucenie z pracy/zwolnienie
Czech village 'vetoes' US shield
The residents of a village in the Czech Republic have voted overwhelmingly to reject a radar station that would form part of the US missile defence shield.
Only one of the residents voted yes, while 71 of the 90 eligible voters were opposed, said the mayor of Trokavec, 70km (44 miles) from Prague.
Villagers fear the area will become a military target. The vote was largely symbolic and has no legal power.
The US plans the shield to prevent long-range missile attacks.
The programme has bases in the US, Britain and Greenland, and Washington wants more in Poland and the Czech Republic to complete the coverage.
The Czech government is in favour of the plan but needs the approval of parliament, where it has no majority.
residents of a village/ `rezIdənts ev a `vilidż/- mieszkancy wsi
the Czech Republic/ðə tSek rI`pablIk /- Republika Czeska
voted/ voutid /- głosowali
to reject/tu `ri:dZekt /-Tu: za odrzuceniem; aby odrzucić
missile defence shield/’misajl di’fens szild/ tarcza anty-rakietowa
eligible voters/’elidżebl `vəutə(r)z /- upoważnieni do głosowania
the mayor of/ ðə meə(r) of/- burmistrz/prezydent (miasta)
villagers fear the area will become a military target /’vilidżerz fije de erije wIl bI`kam e `mIlItərI `ta:gIt /- mieszkańcy obawiają się, że staną się celem militarnym
the Czech government is in favour of the plan/ðə tSek `gavnmənt is in `feIvə(r) ev ðə plen/- Czeski rząd przychyla się do/jest za (przyjęciem) planu
needs the approval of parliament /ni:dz ðə ə`pru:vəl ev `pa:ləmənt/- potrzebuje zgody parlamentu/sejmu
majoraty /me’dżoriti/- większość
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez SUB dnia Pon 18:17, 26 Mar 2007, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Los Skarzyskos
Wysłany: Sob 21:12, 24 Mar 2007 Temat postu: |
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] cwiczenia za darmo do in company, plus listy slowek i inne przydatne rzeczy
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: CK
Wysłany: Nie 15:48, 25 Mar 2007 Temat postu: Re: angielski |
elka napisał: |
słówka na poniedziałek:
The Polish government has announced - polski rząd ogłosił
According to figures released this week-według danych liczbowych (dosł.wypuszczonych) ogłoszonych/podanych w tym tygodniu
Fertility- płodnośc
If the current trend of falling birthrates continues-jeśli bieżąca bedzie utzrymywać się spadkowa tendencja wskaźnika urodzin
the profound changes in Polish society after the fall of Communism - gruntowne zmiany w polskim społeczeństwie po upadku komunizmu
deputy labour minister- wiceminister pracy
they will lose their jobs if they have children-stracą pracę jeśli będą miały dzieci
increase maternity leave - zwiększyć (TU przedłużyć) urlop macierzyński
extend opening hours for kindergartens-rozszerzyć (Tu: wydłużyć) godziny otwarcia przedszkoli
tax - podatek
a Christian - chrześcijanin
supervising an exam- pilnować podczas egzaminu
Similar accusations sparked riots - podobne oskarżenia spowodowały/wywołały (bo dosł: zaiskrzyły) zamieszki
religious, communal or political violence - przemoc z powodów religijnych, społeczna lub polityczna
students beat the teacher to death - studenci bili nauczyciela aż do śmierci
invigilating an exam - nadzorowanie przebiegu egzaminu
school compound - (zamknięty) teren szkoły
accused her of desecrating the Koran - oskarżono ją o zbeszczeszczenie Koranu
The police arrived at the scene to restore calm - policja przyjechała na miejsce (wypadku/zamieszek) aby przywrócić spokój/porządek
a rumour swept the city that - plotka obiegła miasto (sweep, swept,swept – zamiatać, szerzyć)
which prompted riots - która TU powodoawła zamieszki
justify - usprawiedliwiac
it is often fuelled by ethnic or political conflicts and competition - to jest często wywołane/spowodowane etnicznymi lub politycznymi konfliktami i rywalizacją
Nigeria - Nigeria
given that - jeśli się uwzględni to, że/uwzględniając to, że
live in poverty - życ w ubóstwie
reduce their dependency on Russian oil- redukować ich terytorium zależne od rosyjskiego oleju
announced plans to build a pipeline -zapowiedziane plany wobec budowania pewneo rurociągu
an energy summit-wierzchołek energii
dependent on Russian oil imports- zalezne od rosjan olejne importowane towary
expressed hops-wyraża nadzieje
co-finance the Project-finansowac to przedsięwzięcie
If the plans go ahead-jeżli te plany zrobia postępy
A general strike called by opposition parties over the shooting by police of protesting farmers has paralysed life in the Indian state of West Bengal. Strajk generalny zwołany przez partie opozycyjne dotyczący strzelania policji do protestujących farmerów sparaliżował życie indyjskiego stanu Zachodniego Bengalu.Fourteen people were killed and more than 70 injured during Wednesday's violence at Nandigram in West Bengal. 14 osób zostało zabitych i ponad 70 rannych podczas środowego aktu przemocy w Nandigram w Zachodnim BengaluThe farmers were protesting against government plans to set up a chemical hub and an industrial zone in the area. Protests have gone on there despite the state government pledging to move the hub elsewhere. Farmerzy sprzeciwiali się rządowym planom utworzenia fabryki chemicznej i strefy przemysłowej w okolicy.Protesty trwały tam pomimo rządowej obietnicy przeniesienia fabryki w inne miejsce.
Opposition supporters lobbed homemade bombs and set fire to buses in some areas of the state capital, Calcutta, sending people running for cover. More than 1,100 opposition activists have been arrested and more than 100 injured in clashes with Marxist supporters.Wspierający opozycję użyli bomb domowej roboty i podłożyli ogień w autobusach w niektórych miejscach stolicy stanu, Kalkucie, zmuszając ludzi do szukania schronienia.
Ponad 1100 aktywistów opozycyjnych zostało aresztowanych, a ponad 100 rannych w starciach ze zwolennikami Marxizmu Train services out of Calcutta have been severely affected. Flights operated out of Calcutta airport but taxis and buses stayed off the roads after the early morning violence. Połączenia kolejowe wyjeżdżające z Kalkuty zostały poważnie dotknięte. Loty z Kalkuty nie zostały wstrzymane ale taksówki i autobusy zostały na drogach wskutek wczesno porannych aktów przemocy |
Zeby nie bylo problemow pozniej ze jest, a nie mozna znalesc
Te slowka obowiazywac beda na 2 kartkowce.
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Dołączył: 15 Mar 2007
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Wysłany: Śro 22:31, 28 Mar 2007 Temat postu: slowka z angielskiego na poniedzialek |
kolokwium z gramatyki 2
+ VERB-ing + VERB + to VERB + VERB-ing / to VERB
admit can afford allow
appreciate could agree begin
avoid must appear continue
can’t help should arrange fear
can’t stand will ask feel
consider would choose forget
delay needn’t decide (hate)
dislike may expect hear
enjoy might fail intend
feel like help (like)
finish hope (love)
give up learn mean
imagine manage (prefer)
keep offer regret
mind plan remember
miss prepare see
postpone pretend start
propose promise stop
practise refuse watch
recommend seem try
risk want
spend time wish
suggest would like
understand have (=must)
be accustomed to need (=must)
be used to ought (=should)
get used to
look forward to
object to
it’s no good
it’s no use
it’s (not) worth
there’s no point (in)
1. You must __________ (brush) your teeth before you go to bed.
2. I would like __________ (go) to the concert, but I can’t.
3. The children are really looking forward to __________ (watch) the film.
4. Do you expect __________ (see) him again soon?
5. Would you mind __________ (hold) this for me?
6. Gary’s doctor told him he should __________ (give up) smoking.
7. My parents enjoy __________ (play) golf at the weekends.
8. Would you prefer __________ (stay) at home tonight?
9. Jim can’t __________ (play) the violin.
10. If you agree __________ (help) me with this, I’ll cook dinner.
11. I might __________ (phone) you tomorrow if I have time.
12. We decided __________ (apologize) to Henry.
13. I was very tired, but I kept __________ (work).
14. Greg will __________ (spend) the summer in the mountains.
15. Do you hope __________ (hear) from them soon?
16. We were surprised (see) Pauline at the party. We didn’t expect her (come).
17. Julia is interested in (start) her own business.
18. I think we should (apologise) to Sue for (be) so rude to her.
19. They prefer (drive) to (travel) by train.
20. You’ve arranged (play) tennis tomorrow, haven’t you?
21. The boys promised (not do) it again.
22. I am looking forward to (go) away next week.
23. George is a detective. He enjoys (solve) mysteries.
24. My lawyer advised me (not say) anything to the police.
25. He managed (get) a visa.
26. It was impossible (translate) some words.
27. Do you mind (wait) a little longer?
28. I’m so fat. I need (take) more exercise.
29. I can’t afford (go) out tonight. I haven’t got enough money.
30. “How did the thief get into the house?” “I forgot (shut) the window.”
31. Can you help me (get) the dinner ready?
32. Please stop (ask) me questions.
33. They decided (get) married.
34. They seem (have) plenty of money.
35. Would you mind (not interrupt) me all the time?
36. It will not be easy (learn) Chinese.
37. His elder daughter loves (ski).
38. She keeps (tell) jokes although I told her (stop).
39. I must apologise for (take) your hat.
40. It is no good (eat) too much fat.
41. Terry decided (visit) the museum instead.
42. Do you want (see) the film?
43. Do you mind (ask) him about it?
44. Will you remember (book) a table in the restaurant for next Saturday evening?
Gotowe company profiles:
name Skanska; a multinational construction and development company;
Skanska’s mission is to develop, build and maintain the physical environment for living, traveling and working.
founded 1877
headquaters Solna, Sweden
type plc
operation primary markets are the Nordic region, the US, UK, Central Europe and Latin America;
the Group’s operations are based on local business units, which have good knowledge of their respective markets, customers and suppliers.
areas Operations are conducted in four business streams:
- Construction,
- Residential Development,
- Commercial Development,
- Infrastructure Development.
number of employees 54,000 (2005)
President and CEO Stuart E. Graham
annual revenue SEK 125 billion (2005)
founded 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad
international headquaters Humlebaek, Denmark
status a network of companies, holdings and foundations owned by a Dutch foundation; Stichting Ingka Foundation (Ingka Holding B.V.)
As an official nonprofit organization, SIF minimizes or does not pay taxes.
activity mass-market retailer; Scandinavian-style furniture and furnishing
operation globally; 250 stores in 34 countries
number of employees 104,000 in 44 countries
Group President and CEO Anders Dahlving
sale directly in stores; also online and by mail order
Turnover/profit € 17.3 billion / € 553 million (2005)
name Microsoft Corporation, sometimes abbreviated as MS or MSFT
founded 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen
headquaters Redmond, Washington, USA
activity develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products
best selling products the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software
operation globally through local channel partnerships
divisions three core business divisions
• Platform Products and Services Division
• Business Division
• Entertainment and Devices Division
number of employees 76,000 employees in 102 countries
chairman William H. (Bill) Gates III
CEO Steven A. (Steve) Ballmer
annual revenue US$ 44.28 billion
Slowka na 3 kartkowke:
caused a howl of protest – /ko:zd e hałl/ spowodował/wywołał falę/burzę protestów
ban on abortion- /ben on e’ borszen/ zakaz aborcji
Deputy premier- /’depjuti premier/ wice premier
education minister-/edżu ’kejszen ‘minister/ Minister Edukacji
the stand of the Polish government-/de stend ev de połlisz gavernment/ stanowisko polskiego rządu
spreading homosexuality-/spreding homołsekszu ‘eliti/ (spread=rozszerzać się) - rozszerzanie/rosnąca liczba przypadków homoseksualizmu
Council of Ministers-/kałnsil ev ‘ministez/Rada Ministrów
quotes of Pope John Paul II- /kłołts ev połp dzon pol de sekend/ cytaty Papieża Jana Pawła II
the late Pope – /de lejt połp/ (niedawno) zmarły/świętej pamięci Papież
(feel) insulted by- /fi: l in ‘saltid/ czuć się znieważonym/obrazonym przez
during the Second World War - /’djuriŋ de sekend wə:ld wo:/ - w czasie/podczas Drugiej Wojny Światowej
Holocaust survivors - /səvaivə:s/ - ocalali z Holokaustu
Jewish community - /dżu:isz kə’mju:niti/ - społeczność/wspólnota żydowska
wiped out - /waip:d aut/ - zmieciony
a number - /e ‘nambə/ - wielu
bravery - /’breivəri/ - odwaga
attend(ed) the gathering - /ə’tend(id) de ‘gæðəriŋ/ - uczestniczyć/li/ w zebraniu
relative - /’relətiv/ - krewny
the Nazis - /de nætsiz/ - Naziści
in the attic - /in di ‘ætik/ - na poddaszu
winched upon pulleys - /winczt ə’pon ‘puliz/ - wciągany na bloczkach
turn a blind eye to - /tə:n e blaind ai tu/ - “przymykać oko na”
plight - /plait/ - dola, trudne położenie
informed on them - /in’fo:md on dem/ - donosili na nich
at the reunion - /et de ri:’ju:niən/ - na zjeździe/spotkaniu po latach
recipients of the award - /ri’sipiənts of di ə’wo:d/ - odbiorcy nagrody; odznaczeni
the Righteous Among the Nations - /de ‘raiczəs ə’maŋ de neiszənz/ - Sprawiedliwi Wśród Narodów Świata
To jest do rozmówek w parach
What is the name of the company? The name of the company is ...
What is the company’s name? The company’s name is ...
Who do you work for? I work for ...
What company do you work for? I work for ...
What type of company is it?
What is the company status? It is a private limited liability company/a partnership/a sole proprietorship/a corporation/ a public limited company…
Where is it based? It is based in Berlin.
Where is the main/head office? The main office is in ...
Where are the headquarters (located)? The headquarters are (located) in ...
Where does it operate? It operates in Southern Europe.
It has production facilities in 55 countries and regions.
We operate locally.
We have subsidiaries/ factories/ plants/operations all over Europe/Poland/the region/the country.
What does the company do?
What does the company specialize in?
What is the company’s activity?
What are the main business activities?
What is the company’s area of business? It is a manufacturer of silver plated and stainless steel cutlery.
It is a supplier of advanced X-ray inspection systems.
It is a global/regional leader in packaging.
It manufacturers bearings and spark plugs.
It produces toys.
It sells new and used computer hardware.
It is a leading retailer of computer systems. It specializes in ...
It provides a wide range of IT services.
How many people does it employ? It employs 3000 people/staff.
How many employees does the company have? The company has 3000 employees/staff.
How many people are there in the company? There are 3000 people/staff in the company.
Company situation and performance
The sales for the last year were $3 million.
The turnover for the last year was $ 3 million.
The average annual sales are ....
The company was set up/was established/was founded in 1973.
Most of the shareholders are Japanese.
The Board of Directors is headed by Sumi Nakamuto.
The President of the company is Sumi ... (AM)
OCEAN (kartkówka nr 2)
Project will cable up ocean floor
Electricians prefer to keep power cords dry as a rule. But in Monterey, California, scientists and engineers are hopeful that immersing electrical cable off the coast will profoundly improve how the oceans are studied.
This week, a team from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) will lay 52km (32 miles) of electrical cable from a research station on shore to a shelf 900m (3,000ft) below the sea's surface.
The thick cable will send power to, and return data from, a variety of research instruments - to be added later this year - that will sit on Smooth Ridge, a plateau at the edge of Monterey Canyon, the largest and deepest submarine canyon off the continental West Coast.
After years of planning, it is the first real step in the building of the $12m Monterey Accelerated Research System (Mars), a pioneering underwater observatory that will influence the construction of similar networks elsewhere in the ocean.
Mars frees scientists from the limitations of batteries and hooks them up to fibre optics. They will be able to conduct experiments and communicate directly with underwater machines, then monitor the results in real-time from PCs on shore.
Mars is the first deep-sea observatory off the continental coast, and the first designed for wide-ranging oceanographic research.
It is the American contribution to an international effort to develop permanent ocean observatories.
The site is in deep water but close enough that scientists can make short trips by ship to plug in new instruments and test the concept for more remote, expansive cabled observatories, such as Neptune on the Pacific Juan de Fuca plate, and others off the Canadian and Eastern seaboards and possibly the Arctic.
Project will cable up ocean floor /prodżekt łil kejbul ap ołszin flor/ TU: dzięki projektowi możliwe będzie okablowanie dna oceanu
as a rule /ez e rul/ z reguły
scientists and engineers /’sajentis end endzi’nijnerz/ naukowcy i inżynierowie
immersing electrical cable /i’mersing i’lektrikel kejbul/ zanurzając elektryczny kabel
will profoundly improve /łil pre’faundly im’pruw/ gruntownie poprawi
Monterey Bay /monte’rej bej/ zatoka Monterey
Research Institute /’risercz institjut/ instytut badawczy
on shore /on szor/ na brzegu
a plateau /e ‘pleteł/ płaskowyż
fibre optics /faiber optiks/ technika światłowodowa
conduct experiments /ken’dakt iks’periments/ prowadzić eksperymenty
the American contribution to an international effort to develop permanent ocean observatories. /di e’meriken kontri’bjuszen tu en inter’neszenel ‘efort tu di’velep permanent ołszyn ob’zerveteriz/ Amerykański wkład w międzynarodowe starania dot. (Tu: Budowy/założenia/rozwoju) stałych podwodnych/oceanicznych obserwatoriów. ALE: develop /di’velep/ opracować, przygotować, rozwijać (się)
scientists can make short trips /’sajentists ken mejk szort trips/ naukowcy mogą (Tu: robić krótkie wypady make a trip= wybrać się w podróż/wyjechać do
plug in new instruments /plag in ‘instruments/ podłączać (dosł. Włożyc wtyczkę) nowe instrumenty
remote /ri’mołt/ odległy
collaboration(kartkówka nr2)
New Polish vetting law operative
New vetting law comes into force today obliging 700,000 Poles including journalists, lawyers and head teachers to declare whether they collaborated with the communist-era secret police.
The legislation was designed by President Lech Kaczynski and the ruling conservative the Law and Justice Party (PiS) government of his twin brother, Prime Minister Jaroslaw.
Its aim was to settle accounts with former communists. As a result, people from various professions including municipal government officials, university professors, legal professionals, journalists and corporate as well as bank chiefs born prior to August 1, 1972 are required to submit statements revealing any co- operation with communist-era secret police and intelligence services.
Those who fail to do so or have courts ruled against them risk being banned from their professions for up to a decade.
According to the critics of the project, the process of verifying hundreds of thousands of declarations is estimated to last until 2023. Declarations are to be submitted to the National Remembrance Institute which was created in 1998.
New vetting law comes into force /nju: ‘vetin’ lo: kamz ‘intu fo:s/ – nowa ustawa lustracyjna wchodzi w życie/nabiera mocy prawnej
Obliging /e’blajdżing/ z/obowiązujące
including journalists, lawyers and head teachers /in’klu:din ‘dże:nelists, ‘lo:jez end hed ‘ti:czez/ – w tym/wliczając w to dziennikarzy, prawników i dyrektorów szkół
the ruling conservative the Law and Justice Party (PiS) government /de ‘ru:lin ken’se:vetiv de lo: end ‘dżastis ‘pa:ti ‘gavnment/ –konserwatywna partia rządząca Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
his twin brother, Prime Minister /hiz twin ‘brade, praim ‘ministe/– jego brat bliźniak, Premier
Its aim was to settle accounts with former communists /its eim woz tu: ‘setl e’kaunts łiw ‘fo:mer ‘komjunists/ - jego celem było rozliczenie się(wyrównanie rachunków) z byłymi komunistami
municipal government officials /mju:’nisipl ‘gavnment e’fiszlz/ – wysocy urzędnicy szczebla miejskiego
born prior to August 1 /bo:n ‘praier tu: ‘o:gest de ferst/ – urodzony przed pierwszym sierpnia
are required to submit statements /a:r ri’kwaied tu: seb’mit ‘steitments/ – wymagane jest od nich by złożyli oświadczenie;
According to the critics of the project /e’ko:din tu: de ‘kritiks ev de ‘prodżekt/ – według krytyków projektu
is estimated to last until 2023 /iz ’estimejtid tu: la:st en’til 2023/ – szacuje się, że potrwa do 2023
National Remembrance Institute /’naszenel ri’membrens ‘institju:t/ –Instytut Pamięci Narodowej (IPN)
Litvinenko(kartkówka nr4)
Litvinenko supporter shot in US
The FBI and US police are investigating the shooting of a Russian intelligence analyst, days after he said Moscow was involved in a former KGB agent's death.
Paul Joyal, 53, was shot several times as he returned to his home in the suburbs of Washington DC on Thursday.
Reports say Mr Joyal, an American, had items stolen in an attack that appeared to be a random robbery.
But the timing has raised concern that he was targeted for expressing his views on the Alexander Litvinenko case.
Mr Litvinenko, a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian security services, died in November in London after being poisoned by radioactive substance polonium-210.
He and his associates accused Russia of carrying out the poisoning because of his fierce opposition to Mr Putin, who has denied any involvement.
Hospital officials said Mr Joyal was in a critical condition.
- The police are investigating the shooting of [de po’lis ar in’westigejtin’ de szuting of] – policja prowadzi śledztwo w sprawie postrzelenia/zastrzelenia
- Moscow was involved in [moskeł łoz in’wolwd] – Moskwa była uwikłana w/zaangażowana/wplątana w
- intelligence /in ‘telidżens/ wywiad
a former KGB agent [e former KejDziBi ejdzent] – były agent KGB
- several times [sewerel tajmz] – kilka razy
- in the suburbs of Washington [in de saberbz of Łoszington] – na przedmieściach Waszyngtonu
- a random robbery [e rendom robberi] – przypadkowa/nie planowana kradzież
- case [kejs] – sprawa (sądowa)
- security services [se’kiuriti serwisys] – służby specjalne
- poisoned by radioactive substance [pojsond baj radioaktiw substens] – otruty przy pomocy substancji radioaktywnej
- accuse Russia of [e’kiuz Raszsia of] – oskarżyć Rosję o
- denied any involvement [dajnd eni in’wolwment] – zaprzeczył aby był zamieszany
- was in a critical condition [łoz in e kritikel kon’diszin] – był w krytycznym stanie
christian attacked (kartkówka nr2)
The teacher, a Christian, was attacked after supervising an exam in Gombe city. It is not clear what she had done to anger the students. The authorities, concerned that communal unrest could break out, have ordered all the city's schools to shut. Similar accusations sparked riots in neighbouring Bauchi State last year. At least 15,000 people have been killed in religious, communal or political violence since the country returned to civilian rule in 1999. Nigerian police say students beat the teacher to death outside the school compound after she had been invigilating an exam. The students had apparently accused her of desecrating the Koran, though it is not clear exactly what she had done. The police arrived at the scene to restore calm and say their intervention stopped a riot. The BBC's Alex Last in Lagos says violence based on such accusations is not new. Last year, in Bauchi State, a rumour swept the city that a Christian teacher had also desecrated the Koran, which prompted riots in which at least five people were killed. In fact, the teacher had confiscated the Koran from a pupil who was reading it in class. Religious differences have long been used to justify all kinds of violence in Nigeria. In reality it is often fuelled by ethnic or political conflicts and competition for resources, which can be fierce, given that so many people live in poverty.
a Christian / kriszczen//kristjen/ - chrześcijanin
supervising an exam /sjupervajzing en egzam/- pilnować podczas egzaminu
Similar accusations sparked riots /similer akju’zeiszenz sparkt rajets/- podobne oskarżenia spowodowały/wywołały (bo dosł: zaiskrzyły) zamieszki
religious, communal or political violence /ri’lidżes ‘komjunel or po’litikel vajelens/ - przemoc z powodów religijnych, społeczna lub polityczna
students beat the teacher to death /students bit de ticzer to ded/ - studenci bili nauczyciela aż do śmierci
invigilating an exam /invidżilejting en egzam/ - nadzorowanie przebiegu egzaminu
school compound / skul kompaund/ - (zamknięty) teren szkoły
accused her of desecrating the Koran /e’kjuzd her ev ‘disikrejting de Koran/ - oskarżono ją o zbeszczeszczenie Koranu
The police arrived at the scene to restore calm / de po’li:s e’rajvd et de si:n to ri’stor ka:m/ - policja przyjechała na miejsce (wypadku/zamieszek) aby przywrócić spokój/porządek
a rumour swept the city that / e ‘rumer słept de siti det/ - plotka obiegła miasto (sweep, swept,swept – zamiatać, szerzyć)
which prompted riots / łicz promptid rajets/ - która TU powodoawła zamieszki
justify /dżasifaj/ - usprawiedliwiac
it is often fuelled by ethnic or political conflicts and competition /it is often fjueld baj efnik or pe’litikel konflikts end kompe’tiszen/ - to jest często wywołane/spowodowane etnicznymi lub politycznymi konfliktami i rywalizacją
Nigeria /naj’dżerje/ Nigeria
given that /given det/ - jeśli się uwzględni to, że/uwzględniając to, że
live in poverty / liv in paverti/ życ w ubóstwie
Chirac (kartkówka nr5)
At least 11 candidates are set to run in the French presidential election. Centre-right leader Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist leader Segolene Royal are frontrunners.
Veteran French President Jacques Chirac has confirmed in a TV address that he will not be seeking a third term in office in April’s election.
Mr. Chirac has been president since 1995 and has had a political career spanning four decades.
His political rival Nicolas Sarkozy, 52, of the ruling center-right movement hopes to receive Mr. Chirac’s endorsement in the election.
Jacques Chirac told the nation in his Sunday evening address that he would find new ways to serve France after leaving office.
The French daily LAFigaro wrote that Mt Chirac would leave more popular than he had been for a long time.
At least 11 candidates - Przynajmniej 11 kandydatów
to run in the French presidential election – ubiegać się o kandydaturę/brać udział w wyborach na prezydenta Francji
Centre-right leader – przewodniczący/Lider centro-prawicy,
Socialist leader - przewodniczący/lider socjalistów
Frontrunners –faworyci, osoby mające najwieksze szanse
Has confirmed- potwierdził,
in a TV address- w wystąpieniu telewizyjnym
A third term in office- trzecia kadencja
A political career...- polityczną karierę
spanning four decades - obejmującą cztery dekady/dziesięciolecia
His political rival- jego polityczny rywal
Hopes to receive....- ma nadzieję na otrzymanie poparcia Chiraca
The French daily LAFigaro- dziennik(=gazeta codzienna) francuski LAFigaro
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez elka dnia Śro 21:48, 09 Maj 2007, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Russian elderly die in home fire
At least 63 people have been killed by fire which swept through an old people's home in southern Russia.
The fire broke out at a home in the village of Kamyshevatskaya, in the Krasnodar region, near the Black Sea.
It started early on Tuesday morning, an official said, but firefighting crews did not arrive from Yeysk, 50km (30 miles) away, for more than an hour.
There had been 93 people in the building.
Survivors were taken to a local hospital.
Russian media report that the management of the care home had been fined (in December) for safety shortcomings.
The dormitory block of the home was completely burned out.
The cause of the fire has not yet been given by local officials.
Many of the victims died of smoke inhalation and only a few had serious burns.
The Interfax news agency quoted Krasnodar regional prosecutor Leonid Korzhenyuk as saying criminal proceedings had been instituted.
It was the second major disaster in Russia in less than 24 hours.
On Monday morning, a methane gas explosion at a Siberian coal mine killed more than 90 people.
At least 63 people /et li:st/ –przynajmniej 63 osoby
an old people's home= the care home -dom spokojnej starości/dom starców =dom opieki
The fire broke out- pożar wybuchł
in the village of-w wiosce
firefighting crews- ekipy strażackie (firefighters – strażacy)
the management of the care home-zarząd/kierownictwo domu opieki
fined (in December) for safety shortcomings- ukarani grzywną (w grudniu) za (niedociągnięcia) TU: nieprzestrzeganie przepisów BHP
The dormitory block - blok z pomieszczeniami sypialnymi, blok sypialny
The cause of the fire /ko:z/- przyczyna pożaru
the victims died of smoke inhalation-ofiary zmarły z powodu/w wyniku zatrucia dymem (dosł:wdychania)
a few (people) had serious burns- kilkoro miało poważne oparzenia
regional prosecutor /’ridżenel ‘prosikjuter/- prokurator okręgowy
quote /kłołt/- cytowac
criminal proceedings had been instituted /pre’si:dingz/- wszczęto postępowanie karne
coal mine /kołl majn/-kopalnia węgla
Oleksy officially leaves SLD
Former Prime Minister Jozef Oleksy (SLD) handed in his party membership card after a compromising affair in which a secretly recorded tape on which Oleksy slanders his SLD party colleagues was leaked to the press.
The move effectively ends Oleksy's political career. He was a major force in the post-communist SLD (Democratic Left Alliance) for the decade of the 1990s and was also Parliamentary Speaker for a period.
During a secretly taped meeting on September 14, 2006, Oleksy reportedly told Polish billionaire businessman Aleksander Gudzowaty that former President Aleksander Kwasniewski is a small-time hustler and current SLD leader Wojciech Olejniczak is a "narcissus."
On the tape, Oleksy suggests that Kwasniewski obtained his wealth illegally and says that Kwasniewski is not able to document the money with which he bought a 400 square meter apartment in Warsaw, a house in Kazimierz nad Wisla and a residence near Piaseczno (suburb of Warsaw).
Kwasniewski denies the charges and Oleksy has since said he is sorry and that he was merely repeating rumours he had heard. Still, SLD party members feel they have been stabbed in the back by one of their own.
Former Prime Minister-/fo:me(r))- były premier
Hand(ed) in his party membership card – oddał kartę członka partii
Slander(s) his SLD party colleagues – [`koli:g] zniesławia swoich partyjnych kolegów
Leak(ed) to the press – przeciekło do prasy
Democratic Left Alliance –ə’laΙəns- Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej
Parliamentary Speaker- Marszałek Sejmu
reportedly - [rɪ`po:tɪdlɪ] według/na podstawie doniesień/(uzyskanych) informacji, prawdopodobnie, przypuszczalnie, rzekomo
a small-time hustler –[`hʌslə(r)] drobny cwaniak (robiący pieniądze w każdej sytuacji),
obtain(ed) his wealth illegally – dosł.osiągnął swoje bogactwo CZYLI: dorobił się majątku w sposób nielegalny
denies (bezokolicznik: deny) the charges –zaprzecza oskarżeniom(zarzutom)
he was merely repeating rumours he had heard-powtarzał tylko plotki, które uslyszał
stab(bed) in the back- wbito (im) nóż w plecy
The French nun whose claims could be accepted as the miracle that the Vatican needs to beatify Pope John Paul II that she was inexplicably and suddenly "cured" of Parkinson's disease. Sister Marie Simon-Pierre stopped short of declaring her recovery a miracle, saying that was for the church to decide. But she said her life "totally changed" after her symptoms vanished in one night of prayer and mystery in 2005.
The 46-year-old, speaking in a clear, poised voice, said she was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Her symptoms worsened with time: Driving became practically impossible, she had difficulty walking, and her left arm hung limply at her side. She also could no longer bear to see John Paul on television, because he, too, was stricken( -- more seriously --) with the disease.
Her cure came on the night of June 2, 2005, exactly two months after the pontiff's death, she said. In her room after evening prayers, she said an inner voice urged her to take up her pen and write. She did, then went to bed, and woke early the next morning feeling "completely transformed
The nun, who comes from a family of practicing Catholics in Cambrai in northern France, said she had always been an admirer of John Paul. She was 17 when he was elected pontiff.
beatify Pope John Paul II [ ] beatyfikować Papieża Jana Pawła II
inexplicably and suddenly "cured" of Parkinson's disease [ ] [ ] [ ] w sposób niewytłumaczalny i nagły wyleczona z choroby Parkinsona
stopped short of declaring her recovery a miracle powstrzymywała się od(nie chciała nazywać) nazwania swego powrotu do zdrowia cudem
her symptoms vanished in one night of prayer [ p t] objawy zniknęły w ciągu jednej nocy modlitwy
speaking in a clear, poised voice mówiąc w sposób wyraźny iopanowany
she was diagnosed with Parkinson's d zdiagnozowano u niej chorobę Parkinsona
she had difficulty walking miała trudności w chodzeniu
her left arm hung limply jej lewe ramię wisiało bezwładnie
he, too, was stricken( -- more seriously --) with the disease. on też był dotknięty chorobą(znacznie bardziej)
after the pontiff's death po śmierci Papieża
an inner voice urged her to take up her pen [ ][ ] wewnętrzny głos namówił ją aby chwyciła za pióro
an admirer of John Paul [ ] wielbilciel Jana Pawła
comes from a family of practicing Catholics pochodzi z rodziny praktykujących katolików
Airbus confirms 10,000 job cuts
Troubled planemaker Airbus has announced it is to cut 10,000 jobs across Europe over the next four years.
Airbus said it would not force any compulsory redundancies but European Unions have pledged to fight the cuts.
Airbus boss Louis Gallois said the prolonged weakness of the US dollar had made the restructuring necessary, while the production delays to the flagship A380 superjumbo project had provided the "trigger" for the cutbacks.
Airbus said its current financial situation was "unsustainable". Production problems with the giant A380 have pushed back deliveries of the plane by two years and cost Airbus about 5bn euros (£3.4bn).
Half of the 10,000 cuts will come from temporary staff and sub-contractors not having their contracts renewed.
Mr Gallois said the job cuts would be "fairly shared" between Airbus's four national partners.
Airbus said the changes would reduce the time it took to develop new planes from seven-and-a-half years to six years, improve customer service and aircraft reliability.
Disagreement between Germany and France, both home to key Airbus factories, has delayed progress on the restructuring.
France - home to the firm's Toulouse headquarters - will be worst affected by the cuts, both at individual factories and in central management and administrative functions.
Politicians from Germany, France, the UK and Spain have been lobbying Airbus bosses furiously in recent weeks in an effort to protect jobs in their countries.
announce(d)- /ə’nauns(t)/ - ogłaszać, zawiadamiać, oznajmiać
compulsory - /kəm’palsəri/ - obowiązkowy
redundancy - /ri’dandənsi/ - zbyteczne/zbędne miejsce pracy, redukcja (etatu)
pledge(d) to fight the cuts - /pledż(d) tu fait de kats/ - zobowiązywać się do walki z cięciami/redukcją (zatrudnienia)
trigger - /trigə/ - język spustowy, cyngiel, (trigger off) wywołać
cutback - /katbæk/ - redukować, obcinać
current financial situation - /’karənt fi/fai’nænszəl sitju’eiszən/ - obecna sytuacja finansowa
unsustainable - /anse’stein eibel/ - nie będący w stanie podtrzymać
temporary - /’tempərəri/ - czasowy, tymczasowy
sub-contractors - /sabkən’træktərs/ - podwykonawcy
fairly shared between - /feəli szeəd bi’twi:n/ - uczciwie podzielony między
develop new planes - /di’veləp nju: pleins/ - opracować nowe samoloty
improve - /im’pru:v/ - ulepszać, poprawiać
reliability - /rilaiə’biləti/ - niezawodność
in recent weeks - /in ri:sənt wi:k/ - w poprzednich tygodniach
Polish teachers march in Warsaw
More than 10,000 teachers have marched through the Polish capital to demand pay rises and demonstrate against the government's education policy.
Gay rights groups joined to protest against plans to dismiss teachers who promote homosexual behaviour.
Ministers have said they are preparing a bill to ban what they called "homosexual propaganda" from schools.
The teachers were demanding both improved retirement benefits and the dismissal of the education minister.
They accuse Roman Giertych of ignoring teachers' groups and increasing intolerance.
The 36-year-old minister heads the small, right-wing and ultra-Catholic League of Polish Families party, which has been accused of being homophobic.
Mr Giertych and his deputy minister want to pass a law which would enable them to sack openly gay teachers or anyone who promotes homosexuality.
to demand pay rise(s) /tu d`ma:nd pe raz(iz) /- aby żądać podwyżek płac
against the government's education policy /ə`gejnst ðə `gavnmənts edju’kejszen polisi/ przeciwko
polityce edukacyjnej rządu
to dismiss teachers /tu ds'ms ti:tə(r)s /- aby zwolnić nauczycieli
homosexual behaviour/homəu`seksjuəl b`hevjə(r) /- homoseksualne zachowanie
a bill to ban/a bl tu bæn /- ustawa zakazująca
demanding improved retirement benefits/d`ma:ndN bəuθ improvd r`taəmənt benefits
/- żądali lepszej emerytury/świadczeń emerytalnych
they accuse Roman Giertych of/ðe ə'kjuz Roman Giertych of/- oskarżają Romana Giertycha o
his deputy minister/ hz `depjut `mnstə(r)/- viceminister
pass a law/pa:s a lo: /- wprowadzić ustawę
enable them to sack/'nebl ðem tu sæk/- umożliwiać im wyrzucenie z pracy/zwolnienie
Polish News
The Polish parliament recognized a national hero this month when it honored 97 year old Irena Sendlerowa.The former social worker rescued over 2,500 Jewish children and babies from death in the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw, or the death camps in the rest of Poland. During a special session, the upper house of parliament unanimously approved a resolution making Ms. Sendlerowa a national hero for organizing the "rescue of the most defenseless victims of the Nazi ideology: the Jewish children," while Polish President Lech Kaczynski called her a "great hero who can be justly named for the Nobel Peace Prize." To this Ms. Sendlerowa has replied "I'm no hero," During World War II, Ms. Sendlerowa was a member of a larger secret organization called Zegota, set up by the Polish government in exile in London to help rescue Polish Jews. Her position as a young social worker allowed her access into the Jewish ghetto, When Ms. Sendlerowa realized what was happening, she organized a team to rescue the ghetto's children some babies and smaller children were smuggled out in workmen's toolbags or in suitcases. Today Ms. Sendlerowa lives a quiet life in a Warsaw nursing home, and her deeds are reletively unknown, compared to more publicized heroes like Oskar Schindler. When asked about her role in the Second World War, in an interview Ms. Sendlerowa has said: "The term 'hero' irritates me greatly. Many of the children who were rescued are now adults and continue to view her as a savior.
The former social worker- [ ] były pracownik opieki społecznej
the upper house of parliament [ ] Izba Wyższa Parlamentu
unanimously approved a resolution [ ] jednogłośnie zatwierdzili uchwałę
defenceless victims of the Nazi ideology [ ] [ ] bezbronne ofiary hitlerowskiej ideologii
the Nobel Peace Prize [ ] Pokojowa Nagroda Nobla
a member of a larger secret organization [ ] [ ] [ ]członek większej tajnej organizacji
set up by the Polish government in exile in London [ ] założone przez polski rząd na wygnaniu w Londynie
as a savior jako (zbawiciel),TU: wybawca
lives a quiet life in a Warsaw nursing home [ ] (prowadzi) spokojne życie w warszawskim domu opieki
her deeds are reletively unknown [ ] [ ] jej czyny sa raczej (dosł. stosunkowo) nieznane
the Second World War - II Wojna Światowa
smuggled out in workmen's tool box or in suitcases [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] przemycane (na zewnątrz) w skrzynkach na narzędzia (robotników) lub w walizkach
Poland and FIFA have come to a deal that ends the threat of the country's national team being banned from the Euro 2008 qualifiers. Football's world governing body had threatened to ban the national team and Polish clubs from international matches unless the government reversed its decision in January to suspend the FA's (=the football association's )board, taken in the midst of a corruption scandal
that has implicated more than 70 officials. But the sports ministry on Monday reinstated the board, and the two sides had reached a compromise.
Under the compromise a joint commission of UEFA, FIFA and government
representatives will oversee the calling of a special congress of the football association's members to elect new management.
FA chief Michal Listkiewicz said that his first decision (after reinstatement) was to summon the first board meeting and the meeting would aim to call a congress.
The Ukrainian Football Federation had accused Polish Sports Minister
Tomasz Lipiec of undermining a joint bid by the two countries to host the Euro 2012
finals by refusing to back down in the row.
The joint Ukraine-Poland bid is one of three being considered by UEFA
along with a solo bid by Italy and a joint bid from Croatia and Hungary. The winner
will be announced by UEFA's 15-man executive committee on April 18.
In the Euro 2008 qualifiers, Poland are one point behind leaders
Finland in Group A.
banned from the Euro 2008 qualifiers – wykluczony z kwalifikacji …
threaten(ed) to ban the national team and Polish clubs from international matches – zagrozili, że wykluczą reprezentację i polskie kluby z międzynarodowych meczów/rozgrywek
suspend the FA's (=the football association's )board - zawiesić zarząd PZPN
reached a compromise – osiągnęli kompromis
host the Euro 2012 finals – być gospodarzem finałów …
The joint Ukraine-Poland bid – wspólna oferta Ukrainy i Polski
considered by – rozważana przez
Croatia - Chorwacja
announce - ogłosić
UEFA’s 15-man executive committee – piętnastoosobowa komisja wykonawcza UEFA
Poland are one point behind leaders – polska przegrywa jednym punktem z liderem/jest jeden punkt za liderem
Polish state oil signs deposits deal
Poland has gained access to natural gas and oil deposits in the Norwegian Sea. Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski has expressed confidence the purchase of the deposits will contribute substantially to Poland’s energy security.
The head of the Polish government disclosed that the ownership rights to the gas and oil deposits have been bought from the Exxon company.
Economy Minister Piotr Wozniak announced Polish State Oil and Gas has signed a contract for 15% of the deposits volume under a conditional agreement, which is yet to be finalized. Minister Wozniak assured this is the absolute intention of the Polish side.
The sum involved is said to be in the region of 1 billion zloties, roughly 250 million euros.
The gas deposits are readily accessible and are under extraction supervision of BP. Their volume is estimated at 36 billion cubic meters.
Deputy Minister of Economy Piotr Naimski added that Poland is preparing with a Norwegian partner a gas pipeline project to run through Denmark.
He also said the purchase and extraction of the Norwegian gas deposits is in accordance with Poland’s efforts aimed at diversification of gas imports.
gain access to natural gas and oil deposits – uzyskać dostęp do złóż gazu ziemnego i ropy naftowej
Prime Minister - premier
express confidence – wyrazić zaufanie
contribute substantially to – przyczynić się znacznie do/ wnieść znaczny wkład w
The head of the Polish government – głowa tu: państwa polskiego(dosł rządu)
disclosed - ujawnione
the ownership rights–prawa własności
announce - ogłosić, oświadczać
sign a contract – podpisać kontrakt/umowę
agreement – porozumienie/zgoda/umowa
roughly 250 million euros – w przybliżeniu 250 milionów euro
is estimated at 36 billion cubic meters – jest oceniane na 36 bilionów metrów sześciennych
Deputy Minister of Economy – wiceminister gospodarki
added [adid] - dodał
a gas pipeline – rurociąg gazowy
the purchase and extraction of - nabycie=kupno i wydobycie
in accordance with – zgodnie z
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Wysłany: Pon 18:32, 14 Maj 2007 Temat postu: |
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materialy na kartkowki
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Wysłany: Śro 16:13, 23 Maj 2007 Temat postu: |
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materialy na kartkowe z pisania listu
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Los Skarzyskos
Wysłany: Nie 7:25, 27 Maj 2007 Temat postu: |
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] materialy do opowiadania o firmie
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Wysłany: Śro 19:53, 03 Paź 2007 Temat postu: |
Nowy rok akademicki się zaczął, o to rozpiska punków dla grup Pani mgr Małgorzaty Laczek:
3 testy gramatyczne-leksykalne (3x20p) – 60p.
1 writing – 10p.
2 teksty techniczne (2x5p) - 10p.
4 wypowiedzi na zajęciach (4x5p) – 20p. (termin 1 – max. 5p, termin 2 tydzień później – max. 4p., termin 3 dwa tyg. później – max 3p.)
A oto kilka przykładowych tematów na zajęcia:
1. Paranormal phenomena/ Mysteries: crop circles, archive X stories, ghosts, UFOs, the Nasca lines (Erich von Däniken Chariots of the Gods)
2. The Nobel (Science) Prize – famous scientists, controversies: exclusions, gaffes, etc.)
3. Elections/ Politics (political systems, parties, 20th century tyrants, maximum leaders, etc.)
4. (Arts, music, beer, science, religious, …) Festivals.
5. Advice to travellers going to … (India, China, Germany, Japan, UK, USA, …)
6. Health care in Poland/ Great Britain.
7. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
"Czekam na propozycje "bardziej przyjazne studentowi" (żebyście państwo chcieli, a nie musieli coś powiedzieć)." ML
Teksty techniczne:
Cutting Tool Materials
High Carbon Steel
This material is one of the earliest cutting materials used in machining. It is however now virtually superseded by other materials used in engineering because it starts to temper at about 220oC . This softening process continues as the temperature rises. As a result, cutting using this material for tools is limited to speeds of up to 0.15 m/s for machining mild steel with lots of coolant.
High Speed Steel (HSS)
This range of metals contain about 7% carbon, 4% chromium plus additions of tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum and cobalt. These metals maintain their hardness at temperature up to about 600o, but soften rapidly at higher temperatures. These materials are suitable for cutting mild steel at speeds up maximum rates of 0.8 m/s to 1.8 m/s.
Cast Alloys
These cutting tools are made of various nonferous metals in a cobalt base. They can withstand cutting temperatures of up to 760oC and are capable of cutting speeds about 60% higher than HSS.
Cemented carbides (cermet) (sintered carbide)
This material usually consists of tungsten carbide or a mixture of tungsten carbide, titanium, or tantalum carbide in powder form, sintered in a matrix of cobalt or nickel. As this material is expensive and has low rupture strength it is normally made in the form of tips which are brazed or clamped on a steel shank. The clamped tips are generally used as throw away inserts.
Coated Carbides
The cutting system is based on providing a thin layer of high wear-resistant titanium carbide fused to a conventional tough grade carbide insert, thus achieving a tool combining the wear resistance of one material with the wear resistance of another. These systems provide a longer wear resistance and a higher cutting speed compared to conventional carbides.
Ceramics are made by powder metallurgy from aluminium oxide with additions of titanium oxide and magnesium oxide to improve cutting properties. These have a very high hot resistance and wear resistance and can cut at very high speed. However they are brittle and have little resistance to shock. Their use is therefore limited to tips used for continuous high speed cutting on vibration-free machines.
Diamonds have limited application due to the high cost and the small size of the stones. They are used on very hard materials to produce a fine finish and on soft materials. especially those inclined to clog other cutting materials. They are generally used at very high cutting speed with low feed and light cuts. Due to the brittleness of the diamonds the machine has to be designed to be vibration free. The tools last for 10 (up to 400) times longer than carbide based tools.
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Wysłany: Pią 13:24, 19 Paź 2007 Temat postu: |
To sam co było wcześniej + wypełniony tekst z zajęć
Prepositions:(praca domowa wymagana na kartkówkę z 4Unitu)
1. Could you pay ....... my dinner? I forgot my wallet.
2. She isn’t interested ....... classical music.
3. I never borrow money ....... people.
4. Tomorrow they will go to work on foot, ....... usual.
5. „May I have two tickets please?” „I’m sorry we’ve sold …… “
6. A young man asked me ....... a lift.
7. ....... my surprise, he said „No”.
8. Don’t call me next week. I will be ……..
9. Captain Smith will set ....... at 8 o’clock. He will take part in an important race ....... the Atlantic.
10. You should say good-morning ....... him.
11. ....... spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl.
12. We are very proud ....... her.
13. I often fish for hours ....... catching anything. I always go home with an empty bag.
14. „I’m sorry”, he said ....... a weak voice.
15. ....... present, they are visiting our country.
16. Welcome ....... our city.
17. You should pay attention ....... the street signs.
18. Instead ....... going home, I went to the cinema.
19. You must give ....... smoking!
20. Would you like to come and stay .............. us .............. the weekend?
21. She entered .............. the room .............. knocking, which made me very angry.
22. We received a postcard .............. Jack .............. last week.
23. Then I heard a knock .............. the door.
24. „No, thank you”, I said .............. the manager.
25. .............. the war he went on secret missions to Africa and South America.
26. I am sorry. I don’t like it. It looks strange .............. me.
27. If I were you I would complain .............. the bad service.
28. The airport is busy .............. day and night.
29. .............. some reason Mark and Fred didn’t come.
30. They travelled .............. the English Channel .............. ferry.
31. My son is no longer a child. I must give all his toys ....... .
32. I am sorry but Mr Black is not in the office at the moment. He’ll be ....... …….. half an hour.
33. He asked me ....... a loan.
34. Neither ....... us can do it.
35. They borrowed my books last Saturday and promised to give them ....... next Friday.
36. The match is ....... . We can go home.
37. When I phoned her this morning she wasn’t ....... . I’ll try again ....... an hour.
38. What is ....... ....... the ABC Cinema today? Anything interesting?
39. Two dangerous prisoners ran ....... ....... Alcatraz yesterday.
40. I spent 3 wonderful weeks on a small island ........... the Atlantic Ocean.
41. We had to call ….. our meeting due …… (=owing …… ) unexpected problems.
42. They will probably arrive............ Warsaw ..................... the afternoon.
43. We’d better put........... the tent now. It looks like rain.
44. Because............ this we will have to write the test again.
45. I hope you have found the answer.......... last. (=finally)
46. One........ you must do it.
47. We put ............. the fire and went to bed.
48. He arrived in London ... 6 p.m. ... a foggy November day. We often have fogs ... November.
49. Start now and go on ... I tell you to stop.
50. The boy was too weak to climb ... the rope (lina).
51. ” I am going ... Bristol ... Monday ... Tom. Would you like to come ... us?” „Are you going .... bus?” „No, we are going …. Tom’s car.”
52. I couldn’t see him because he was sitting .... me.
53. The Manager is ..... a meeting ... the moment but he will be back ...10-15 minutes.
54. John, please sit …… there .... Sandra, where I can see you.
55. The plane didn’t take ……. on time. It was delayed due …… (=owing …… ) bad weather conditions.
56. We've run ……. ……. sugar. Could you please buy some more?
57. I don't know how you put ……. ……. with such noisy brothers. It would drive me crazy.
58. I'm broke. I have to ……. ……. an idea for making money.
MEETINGS(wymagane na krtkówke z 3 Unitu)
A meeting must have:
• a purpose (e.g. training, problem solving, decision making),
• an agenda (a list of items of business to be dealt with at a meeting)
• participants (the chairperson, the secretary, others).
A meeting should be called
• to solve problems, when judgment is required rather than expertise or calculation,
• to generate ideas, when pooling ideas helps to make a good decision,
• to accept a decision, when acceptance of a decision is important,
• to discuss complex problems, when different skills and specialists are required.
The objectives of a meeting are:
• a result, which is the main aim of the gathering,
• a report, which usually takes the form of the minutes of the meeting.
The chairman of a meeting prepares the agenda, which is most often given to the participants in advance. The items are arranged in a logical order. Routine business is always placed first and any other business (AOB) at the end of the agenda. The items are discussed in the order they appear in the agenda. Thanks to the agenda the business of the meeting can be conducted swiftly and effectively. Without it a meeting may quickly go out of control and not achieve its purpose. The agenda of a formal meeting is later included in the minutes.
Welcome to Tokyo. (witamy w Tokyo)
It’s good to have you on the team. (mieć cię w zespole)
Thanks, it’s good to be here.
She’s the person you’ll (mostly) be working with on the project.(pracować z nad)
She’s in charge of our corporate loan department. (zajmuje się/kieruje)
She’s sorting out an office for you at the moment. (załatwia) (w tej chwili)
I’ll take you over there later. (tam)
You and Sharon will be reporting (directly) to Daniel Cash, our VP for corporate finance. (podlegać) (zastępca do spraw)
Er, something came up . (coś wypadło)
Anyway, Sharon can fill you in on (most of ) it.(wprowadzi cię w temat/zaznajomi z)
You’ll have two assistants working with you. (pracujących z)
I think you (two) will get on well. (dogadywać się / być w dobrych układach)
She’ll be helping you with the research. (pomagać w/przy)
He’s (very) familiar with business procedures here, (zna się na/ jest zaznajomiony z)
as well as being fluent in Japanese. (bardzo dobrze zna/ płynnie mówi po)
I just make sure the figures add up . (zgadzają się)
Janet can take care of the figures. (zatroszczyć się/ tu: zająć się)
We want YOU to lead the negotiations with the Sapporo Bank.
We’ve scheduled the first meeting for next Wednesday. (ustaliliśmy termin na)
I’m counting on you. (liczę na ciebie)
I know you won’t let me down . (nie zawiedź mnie)
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Pomógł: 1 raz Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: CK
Wysłany: Nie 13:59, 28 Paź 2007 Temat postu: |
słówka które ponoć mają być na kartkówce z 3unitu:
I hear that – słyszałem, że
Can I have your name,( please)? – Czy można prosić/mogę prosić pana nazwisko?
Who’s calling please? – Kto dzwoni?
Can I ask the purpose of your call? – Mogę zapytać w jakiej sprawie pan dzwoni?
Purpose /Peres/ - cel
What is it about? – O co chodzi?/W jakiej sprawie
What are you calling about? – W jakiej sprawie pan dzwoni?
Can I speak to … - Czy moge rozmawiać z …
I’d like to speak to … - Chciałbym rozmawiać z …
Would you like to leave a message? – Czy chciałbyś/pan zostawić wiadomość?
Can you speak up? – Czy może pan mówić głośniej
Can you tell her/ask her to call me back? – Czy może pan przekazać jej /poprosić ją żeby
Can I check that? – Czy mogę sprawdzić?
preliminary report – sprawozdanie/raport wstępny
feasibility study – badania na wykonalność
deadline – ostateczny termin
estimate – kosztorys/oszacowanie, oszacować
stock – zapasy, towary na stanie
(sth is) in stock/out of stock – (coś jest) na stanie/w sklepie/magazynie /czegoś brak
head office, main office – siedziba główna
sorry to interrup you= sorry for unterrupting you – przepraszam że przerywam
When is the deadline? – Do kiedy mamy to złożyć/zrobić/skończyć?
We can’t place an order because the product is out of stock – Nie możemy złożyć zamówienia
ponieważ nie ma tego towaru na stanie.
Someone from the purchase departament must talk to someone from the marketing
departament – Ktoś z działu zakupów/zaopatrzenia musi porozmawiać z kimś z działu
troubleshooting - rozwiązywani problemów
union - związek
workforce - siła robocza
overheads - koszty stałe (czynsz, prąd,...)
turnover - obrót
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
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Wysłany: Pon 21:55, 12 Lis 2007 Temat postu: |
2 Tekst techniczny
The diesel engine is a type of internal combustion engine; more specifically, it is a compression ignition engine, in which the fuel is ignited by being suddenly exposed to the high temperature and pressure of a compressed gas containing oxygen (usually atmospheric air), rather than a separate source of ignition energy (such as a spark plug).
How diesel engines work
When a gas is compressed, its temperature rises (as stated in Charles's Law); a diesel engine uses this property to ignite the fuel. Air is drawn into the cylinder of a diesel engine and compressed by the rising piston at a much higher compression ratio than for a spark-ignition engine, up to 25:1. The air temperature reaches 700...900 °C, or 1300...1650 °F. At the top of the piston stroke, diesel fuel is injected into the combustion chamber at high pressure, through an atomising nozzle, mixing with the hot, high-pressure air. The resulting mixture ignites and burns very rapidly. This contained explosion causes the gas in the chamber to expand, driving the piston down with considerable force and creating power in a vertical direction. The connecting rod transmits this motion to the crankshaft, which is forced to turn, delivering rotary power at the output end of the crankshaft. Scavenging (pushing the exhausted gas-charge out of the cylinder, and drawing in a fresh draught of air) of the engine is done either by ports or valves. (See direct injection vs indirect injection for a discussion of the types of fuel injection.) To fully realize the capabilities of a diesel engine, use of a turbocharger to compress the intake air is necessary; use of an aftercooler/intercooler to cool the intake air after compression by the turbocharger further increases efficiency.
A vital component of any diesel engine system is the governor, which limits the speed of the engine by controlling the rate of fuel delivery. Modern electronically-controlled engines achieve this through the electronic control module (ECM) or electronic control unit (ECU) - the engine-mounted "computer". The ECM/ECU receives an engine speed signal from a sensor and then using its algorithms and look-up calibration tables stored in the ECM/ECU, it controls the amount of fuel and its timing (start of injection) through electric or hydraulic actuators to maintain engine speed.
Due to the lower volatility of the fuel, diesel engines do not operate well when the cylinders are cold. Some engines utilize small electric heaters called glow plugs inside the cylinder to warm the cylinders prior to starting. Others use resistive grid heaters in the intake manifold to warm the inlet air until the engine reaches operating temperature. Once the engine is operating the combustion of fuel in the cylinder keeps the engine warm effectively. Engine block heaters (electric resistive heaters in the engine block) plugged into the utility grid are often used when an engine is shut down for extended periods (more than an hour) in cold weather to reduce startup time and engine wear. Modern electronically-controlled diesel engines also advance injection timing to improve cold startability and reduce white smoke (unburned fuel in the exhaust) under cold start conditions.
In very cold weather, diesel fuel thickens and increases in viscosity and forms wax crystals or a gel. This can make it difficult for the fuel injector to get fuel into the cylinder in an effective manner, making cold weather starts difficult at times, though recent advances in diesel fuel technology have made these difficulties rare. A commonly applied advance is to electrically heat the fuel filter and fuel lines.
Alternatively, due to the very low fuel consumption of the diesel engine at idle, many operators merely leave the engine idling when not in use in cold weather, even for long periods of time.
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Dołączył: 14 Lut 2007
Posty: 207
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: Los Skarzyskos
Wysłany: Sob 17:47, 17 Lis 2007 Temat postu: |
Tlumaczenie tekstu technicznego
High Carbon Steel
This material is one of the earliest cutting materials used in machining. It is however now virtually superseded by other materials used in engineering because it starts to
temper at about 220oC . This softening process continues as the temperature rises. As a result, cutting using this material for tools is limited to speeds of up to 0.15 m/s for
machining mild steel with lots of coolant.
Stal wysoko weglowa
Ten material, jest jednym z pierwszych materialow na narzedzia tnace uzywanym w obrobce skrawaniem. Jakkolwiek jest teraz wypierany przez inne materialy gdyz
zaczyna sie rozhartowywac przy 220oC. Proces ten postepuje wraz ze wzrostem temperatury. W rezultacie wlasnosci tnace narzedzi wykonanych z tego materialu sa
ograniczone do predkosci 0.15 m/s w skrawaniu miekkiej stali z duza iloscia chlodziwa.
High Speed Steel (HSS)
This range of metals contain about 7% carbon, 4% chromium plus additions of tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum and cobalt. These metals maintain their hardness at
temperature up to about 600o, but soften rapidly at higher temperatures. These materials are suitable for cutting mild steel at speeds up maximum rates of 0.8 m/s to 1.8
Stal szybko tnaca
Ten rodzaj metali zawiera 7% wegla, 4% chromu oraz dodatki wolframu, wanadu, molibdenu i kobaltu. Metale te zachowuja swoja twardosc w temperaturze do 600oC ale
gwaltownie sie rozhartowywuja w wyzszych temperaturach. Materialy te sa odpowiednie do obrobki miekkiej stali przy predkosciach od 0.8m/s do 1.8 m/s
Cast Alloys
These cutting tools are made of various nonferous metals in a cobalt base. They can withstand cutting temperatures of up to 760oC and are capable of cutting speeds about
60% higher than HSS.
Stopy lane
Te materialy tnace wykonane sa z roznych metali niezelaznych na bazie kobaltu. Moga wytrzymac temperature obrobki do 760oC i sa mozliwe do uzycia przy predkosci o
60% wiekszej niz w przypadku stali szybko tnacej
Cemented carbides (cermet) (sintered carbide)
This material usually consists of tungsten carbide or a mixture of tungsten carbide, titanium, or tantalum carbide in powder form, sintered in a matrix of cobalt or nickel. As
this material is expensive and has low rupture strength it is normally made in the form of tips which are brazed or clamped on a steel shank. The clamped tips are generally
used as throw away inserts.
Wegliki spiekane
Materialy te zwykle zawieraja weglik wolframu lub mieszanine weglika wolframu, tytanu lub weglika tantalu w formie spieku w osnowie kobaltowej lub niklowej. Jako ze
material ten jest drogi i ma niska odpornosc na zerwanie, jest zwykle uzywany w formie nakladek lutowanych lub zaciskanych na stalowy uchwyt. Zaciskane nakladki sa
zwykle stosowane jako jednorazowe wstawki.
Coated Carbides
The cutting system is based on providing a thin layer of high wear-resistant titanium carbide fused to a conventional tough grade carbide insert, thus achieving a tool
combining the wear resistance of one material with the wear resistance of another. These systems provide a longer wear resistance and a higher cutting speed compared to
conventional carbides.
Wegliki powlekane
System tnacy jest oparty na nanoszeniu cienkiej warstwy bardzo odpornego na scieranie weglika tytanu na zwykle nakladki z weglikow, dzieki temu uzysujemy narzedzie
laczace cechy dwoch materialow. Takie polaczenie pozwala na wydluzenie trwalosci narzedzia i zwiekszenie predkosci obrobki w porownaniu do zwyklych weglikow.
Ceramics are made by powder metallurgy from aluminium oxide with additions of titanium oxide and magnesium oxide to improve cutting properties. These have a very high
hot resistance and wear resistance and can cut at very high speed. However they are brittle and have little resistance to shock. Their use is therefore limited to tips used for
continuous high speed cutting on vibration-free machines.
Ceramika jest wykonywana metoda metalurgii proszkowej z tlenku aluminium z dodatkami tlenku tytanu i tlenku magnezu, aby polepszyc wlasciwosci tnace. Materialy te
maja bardzo duza odpornosc na temperature, duza odpornosc na scieranie i moga byc uzywane przy duzych predkosciach obrobki. Jednak sa kruche i maja mala
odpornosc na wstrzasy. Dlatego ich zastosowanie jest ograniczone do nakladek uzywanych do skrawania ciaglego w maszynach bezwibracyjnych.
Diamonds have limited application due to the high cost and the small size of the stones. They are used on very hard materials to produce a fine finish and on soft materials.
especially those inclined to clog other cutting materials. They are generally used at very high cutting speed with low feed and light cuts. Due to the brittleness of the
diamonds the machine has to be designed to be vibration free. The tools last for 10 (up to 400) times longer than carbide based tools.
Diamenty maja ograniczone zastosowanie ze wzgledu na wysokie koszty oraz ich male rozmiary. Uzywane sa przy obrobce bardzo twardych materialow dla uzyskania
gladkiego wykonczenia i do obrobki miekkich materialow ktore maja sklonnosc do zapychania innych materialow tnacych. Uzywane sa glownie do wysokich predkosci
obrobki, niskich wartosci posuwu narzedzia i lekkich ciec. Ze wzgledu na kruchosc diamentow maszyny musza byc zaprojektowane jako bezwibracyjne. Narzedzia
wykorzystujace diament wystarczaja na 10 do 400 razy dluzszy okres czasu niz narzedzia oparte na weglikach
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